CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.3: Adventuring School and the Road to Figaro


Enemies: Silver Lobo, Leaf Bunny, Darkwind, Sand Ray, Alacran

Treasures: Ether, Potion, Sleeping Bag, Monster-in-a-box (Silver Lobo)

It was going to happen regardless of your wishes. This is the place where the game is explained to you. There will be one battle against the weakest opponent in the game. Try finding your chi or something. I hear it's located within you.

When you enter, the first thing you'll see is a man standing over a bucket. While normally I wouldn't advise you to go near people bending over buckets, let alone drink anything those buckets may contain, this specific bucket contains water from a Recovery Spring, magical springs that heal HP, MP, and remove all status effects.

There are three rooms in this building. Field Science is the one to the far right, and it's where the only monster here is located. Open the chest to fight a single Silver Lobo. Have Terra Defend (press right when in the command menu) and Locke Steal until you've gotten that Potion. You know you want it. Kill him with violence.

Find the Ether in the yellow pot in Field Science and open the chest in Battle Tactics (middle door) for a Sleeping Bag. Then, be bold and walk straight into Advanced Battle Tactics. There's a chest containing a Potion in there. Now, exit. The guy in front of the door advises you to skip Advanced Battle Tactics. What a Potion-hogger, eh?

Should you try to enter Narshe, a Narshe guard will rush to the scene and inquire to your name. You quickly run off. Having been dissed by a Narshe guard, you have no choice but to pursue a career in fighting for the greater good. Locke was told to bring Terra to the king of Figaro, and so he does. Castle Figaro lies in the middle of the desert, denying the rules of logic and reason. You need to cross the Overworld Map in order to reach it.

Equip the newly acquired DirkMythril Knife on Terra. She won't use it, gods no, But it's still a 4 point increase in Attack, and I don't see why the hell not. Keep the ShieldMythril Shield on Locke; he has more Hit Points, granted, but he will be taking more damage as well. For the battles against the grassland and forest monsters, it would be best for both Terra and Locke to sit safely in the Back Row, as neither of them will be using the Attack command. In the desert, put Locke in the Front Row, and keep Terra in the Back Row.

There are two kinds of battles here. There are the desert battles and the non-desert battles. The non-desert battles are no threat to you. If Locke comes up first, have him Steal. It'll get you moderately useless junk, solely limited to Potions. If Terra comes up, a multi-target OFire spell kills everything.

Desert battles are different. In here, you'll face danger. And sand in your boots. Ahem. If you come across a double Sand Ray formation, have Locke Steal (Antidotes!) and Terra use a single-target OFire spell, which should take one down in a single hit. Repeat for the other. If, however, you come across more than two, a multi-target OFire spell followed by a physical from Locke kills. Do just that. Don't waste more than one OFire spell in one battle unless you're close to the castle. Hey, did you know that the Sand Ray was based off an actual creature, the Trilobite? They're related to crabs, scorpions and spiders, but are extinct due to the fact they failed at life in general.

There's a Chocobo Stable hidden in the forest south of the desert. There's no reason to go there whatsoever. The owner will charge you 100 Gil to rent-a-bird. If this seems insane to you, remember that this is the same guy who hides his own shop in the woods. And here I was thinking you'd want to promote your shop if it depended on your amount of customers. I'll never understand capitalism.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.