CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger

Final Fantasy IX Chocobo Map

Screenshots that show you how to get to particular Chocobo-related locations are one thing, and they're good. However, if you want to find everything with the utmost ease, what could do better than a big old map? This map will show you where to find chocobo tracks, chocograph treasures, bubbles, cracks, and everything else related to these superbirds. If you're looking for more detail, you can also visit our full chocobo guide.

Want to see all the treasures listed at one time? You can toggle the full list as desired and see them all at once.

Between Mountains

5 δPotion
5 δHi-Potion
2 δTent
2 δCotton Robe

Uncultivated Land

10 δAntidote
1 δJade Armlet
3 δWing Edge
1 ♥Cargo Ship card

Healing Shore

Reef Ability (can enter shallow water)

Cold Field

5 δEcho Screen
7 δHi-Potion
3 δTent
1 ♥Theater Ship card.

Abandoned Lagoon

6 δSoft
4 δEther
1 δFeather Boots
1 δN-Kai Armlet

Birds-Eye Lagoon

8 δPotion
4 δPhoenix Down
3 δEther
1 δMagician Robe

Dawn Lagoon

Mountain Ability

Forbidden Forest

7 δEther
2 δElixir
10 δWing Edge
1 δHigh Mage Staff

Green Plains

Ocean Ability

Dusk Plains

12 δPhoenix Down
14 δOre
1 δKaiser Knuckles
1 ♥Iron Man Card

Forgotten Plains

17 δOre
5 δEther
14 δOpal
1 δDemon's Mail

Sea at Dusk

15 δPhoenix Pinion
1 δWhite Robe
1 δDiamond
1 ♥Masamune card


27 δOre
1 δLight Robe
1 δWhale Whisker
1 ♥Alexander card

Cold Lagoon

11 δPeridot
9 δOpal
15 δSapphire
19 δTopaz

Mist Ocean

Sky Ability

Outer Island

21 δAmethyst
16 δGarnet+ 1 δGenji Armor
1 δRagnarok

Outer Island 2

11 δSapphire
1 δCirclet
1 δPumice Piece
1 ♥Hilda Garde 3

Fairy Island

33 δPotion
15 δAnnoyntment
1 δHoly Miter
1 ♥Dark Matter card

Forgotten Island

1 δRibbon
1 δRebirth Ring
13 δAmethyst
1 ♥Ark card.

Lost Continent Crack

41 δLapis Lazuli
1 δRosetta Ring
δProtect Ring
1 ♥Airship Card

Forgotten Continent Crack

δMaiden Prayer
δDragon's Hair
♥Odin Card

Eastern Forgotten Continent Crack

19 δEye Drops
δMadain's Ring
δGenji Helmet
♥Hilda Garde 1

Forgotten Continent Bubbles

10 δRemedy
δBlack Robe
δGenji Gloves
♥Blue Narciss

Quan's Dwelling Bubbles

9 δOre
15 δTopaz
1 δTiger Racket
♥Red Rose

Outer Continent Bubbles

8 δStraw Hats
8 δPearl Armlet
7 δAloha T-Shirts
8 δSandals

Lost Continent Bubbles

50 δPotion
25 δHi-Potion
9 δEther
7 δElixir

Shimmering Island Treasure

10 δAquamarine
δUltima Weapon
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy IX
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.