Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics
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Final Fantasy Tactics FAQ

Can you save/resurrect character x? Is it really possible to get item y? What's the best way to get rid of boss z? That's right: these example questions are completely generic because we're using a common template for this introduction. But the point still stands that there are some questions about Final Fantasy Tactics that get asked over, and over, and over again. Here, we attempt to answer them for you.

If you think we've missed something here that we really should add, please let us know in the FAQ topic in the Final Fantasy Tactics forum.


Questions and Answers

How do I get Ultima?

You can obtain Ultima in any battle with the assassins, but the one most suited to it is Inside Limberry Castle. Only Ramza can learn Ultima, and he must be a Squire to learn it. First off, kill Celia and Lede so they turn into Ultima Demons -- that way they won’t come up to you and instantly kill/stop you. Next, run around and heal your people from Elmdor’s attacks until one of the Ultima Demons starts charging Ultima. Move Ramza into its range, and when they cast it on him, he’ll learn it. It’s MUCH easier said than done, however. If you're not doing it Inside Limberry Castle, you can't change Celia and Lede into Ultima Demons, so you have to stay out of their range and put up with their other attacks.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I get Beowulf and Reis?

In Zarghidas Trade City, a flower girl will approach you. She’ll ask if you want to buy a flower for 1 gil. It’s 1 gil, so buy one, because if you refuse, you can't get Beowulf. Then, head all the way back to Goug as long as you have Mustadio in your party. Besrodio will be there and he will tell you about a machine that he has in his house. When Ramza approaches it, it reacts a bit to one of the Holy Stones but doesn’t completely activate. Unfortunately, the Holy Stone that it does react to is not in your possession yet, but this scene activates the events necessary to get it.

Go to Goland’s bar, and look in the rumors section for “Ghost of Colliery.” After you’ve read that, head to Lesalia, where you’ll automatically enter the bar. There, some people will be talking about a dragon in the Colliery of Goland, and Ramza decides to go check it out. Before he can leave the bar, however, a man sitting at a table approaches him. He says his name is Beowulf and he asks if he can come along. Allow him to join, and he’ll be a guest for awhile.

To get him to join you permanently, go to Goland again, which should now be a battle site. After four straight battles, both Beowulf and Reis can join you permanently.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I get Worker 8?

When Reis joins the party, she also comes with a Holy Stone. Take the Holy Stone to Goug, where the machine that Besrodio uncovered will react. The machine turns out to be Worker 8, another party member you can recruit.

Question submitted by Neal
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How can I make Reis a human?

After you get Worker 8, return to Zeltennia Castle and go to the bar. Check in the rumors section for something called “Cursed Island, Nelveska.” Now that you have Worker 8 in your party, Nelveska Island will appear on the world map and will be your next battle. When you win the battle, Reis will enter the temple and will change back into a human and can join your party again.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I get Cloud?

At Goug, the machine will react to the new Holy Stone and will teleport in Cloud. Cloud will be really surprised and confused at his new surroundings and will take off. There’s no real clue as to where he’s gone, unless you noticed that the flower girl in Zarghidas looked remarkably like Aeris…Unfortunately, you can’t do anything until later, after you clear Igros Castle. Once you’ve done that, return to Zarghidas Trade City, where a battle will take place. If you win the battle, Cloud can join your party.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I get a Chaos Blade?

To get a Chaos Blade, the levels of your party need to be in the upper nineties. Then, on certain levels of the deep dungeon where Ninjas appear, like levels 2 and 9, they will begin throwing Chaos Blades. If your characters have the ability "Catch" applied, then they'll grab the Chaos Blades and you can use them yourself.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I defeat Wiegraf/Velius?

There are many ways to defeat Wiegraf in the duel battle. One such method is to make Ramza a Lancer and jump on Wiegraf, taking Ramza momentarily out of the battle. Ninjas also work well, because they attack twice and have good speed. Auto-Potion is almost necessary in this battle, especially if you only have X-Potions.

Velius can be very difficult. Bring along a Summoner and someone who can cast Holy, and bombard him with Lich summons and Holy blasts. Then send your powerful attackers, hopefully with Two Swords from the Ninja class, and attack him over and over again. You’ve got to have a little luck in this battle but hopefully you’ll succeed. Anything with a Holy element is huge in this battle, so bringing Agrias with Holy Explosion will help a lot too. Auto-potion while only carrying X-Potions can really help save your party members.

Question submitted by Neal
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Where can I get Cloud's Materia Blade?

Move-find item at the top of Bervenia Volcano. You'll have to have someone with a good jump ability, like a Lancer.

Question submitted by Rubicant
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It's really hard to steal that great Genji equipment from Elmdor. Any tips?

Always steal from the sides or the back, preferably the back. It helps your percentage significantly if they can't see it coming.

Also, try casting Chicken on Elmdor with Beowulf. Chickened enemies are easier to steal from.

Question submitted by Rubicant
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How can I get the Escutcheon II and Javelin II?

Why, that's in our walkthrough!

Note, you might get the bad Javelin and Escutcheon. You can tell by watching what is picked up. The bad Escutcheon is wooden, the good one gold. The bad Javelin is thin, the good one has a thick staff and head. -R51

Question submitted by Zero_Hawk
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— Edited by Neal and R51
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics
Version 6
©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

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