Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics
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Final Fantasy Tactics Maps

Whoa, what's all this, then? Well, it's a map made for you that is zoomable, clickable, swipeable, and generally mess-around-able. You can now click around this map and zoom in and out to find the location in Ivalice you're looking for; after that, we'll show you a list of every in-game map tied to that location, and you can then click through to examine them more closely.

Want to see all the locations listed at one time? You can toggle the full list as desired.

Araguay Woods

Araguay Woods

Bariaus Hill

Bariaus Hill

Bariaus Valley

Bariaus Valley

Bed Desert

Bed Desert

Bervenia Free City

Bervenia Free City

Bervenia Volcano

Bervenia Volcano

Bethla Garrison

Bethla Garrison Sluice
Bethla Garrison Granary
Bethla Garrison, South Wall
Bethla Garrison, North Wall
Bethla Garrison

Deep Dungeon


Doguola Pass

Doguola Pass

Doldobar Swamp

Dolbodar Swamp

Dorter Trade City

Dorter Trade City
Dorter Slums

Finath River

Finath River

Fovoham Plains

Fovoham Plains
Inside Windmill Shed
Windmill Shed

Gariland Magic City

Magic City of Gariland
Military Academy Auditorium

Germinas Peak

Germinas Peak

Goland Coal City

Goland Coal City
Colliery Underground Floor 1
Colliery Underground Floor 2
Colliery Underground Floor 3
Goland Underground Passage

Golgorand Execution Site

Golgorand Execution Site

Goug Machine City

Goug Machine City
Goug Slums
Besrodio's House

Grog Hill

Grog Hill

Igros Castle

Igros Castle, Main Gate
Igros Castle Citadel
Inside Igros Castle
Igros Castle Office
Beoulve Residence
Beoulve's Residence
Room of Beoulve's Residence

Lenalia Plateau

Lenalia Plateau

Lesalia Imperial Capital

Lesalia Castle, Back Gate
Lesalia Castle Office
Inside Lesalia Gate
Outside Lesalia Gate
Lesalia Main Street

Limberry Castle

Gates Of Limberry Castle (1)
Inside Limberry Castle
Limberry Castle Cemetary
Limberry Castle Office
Gates Of Limberry Castle (2)

Lionel Castle

Lionel Castle Gate
Inside Lionel Castle
Lionel Castle Office

Mandalia Plains

Mandalia Plains

St. Murond Temple

St. Murond Temple Hall
Murond Temple
Inside Murond Temple
Chapel of Murond Temple

Nelveska Temple

Nelveska Temple

Orbonne Monastery

Murond Death City Entrance
Lost Sacred Precincts
Graveyard Of Airships
Orbonne Monastery
Underground Book Storage Floor 1
Underground Book Storage Floor 2
Underground Book Storage Floor 3
Underground Book Storage Floor 4
Underground Book Storage Floor 5
Orbonne Monastery Chapel
Murond Death City

Poeskas Lake

Poeskas Lake

Riovanes Castle

Riovanes Castle Roof
Riovanes Castle Gate
Inside Riovanes Castle
Riovanes Castle

Sweegy Woods

Sweegy Woods

Thieves' Fort

Thieves' Fort

Warjilis Trade City

Warjilis Trade City
Warjilis Port

Yardow Fort City

Yardow Fort City
Yardow Fort Armoury

Yuguo Woods

Yuguo Woods

Zaland Fort City

Zaland Fort City
Ruins near Zaland

Zarghidas Trade City

Zarghidas Trade City
Zarghidas Slums

Fort Zeakden

Fort Zeakden

Zeklaus Desert

Sand Rat Cellar
Zeklaus Desert

Zeltennia Castle

Inside Zeltennia Castle
Zeltennia Castle
Chapel of Zeltennia
Zeltennia Castle Ruins

Zigolis Swamp

Zigolis Swamp

Zirekile Falls

Zirekile Falls

Other Maps

Grave of Balbanes
Wooden building
Stone Building
Public Cemetary
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Banished Fort
Other Maps
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

Note: this printable version may not contain the entire contents of the full version. In particular, web forms are removed, and any links you could check for further information on the given data are not shown. You may check the URL at the top of this document for the full and up-to-date version.
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.