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Chrono Trigger Guides


Guide by  Rangers51
CoN Webmaster

Capsules are a quick way to bump up the stats of a particular character. They work in a similar way to Final Fantasy VII's Source items or Final Fantasy IV's Apples, in the sense that they permanently raise one of a character's statistics outside of the level-up system, and can be used only outside of battle. Chrono Trigger's Capsules are found most often in chests or sparkling on the ground, and come in three varieties:

  • Magic, which adds one point to the user's magic power statistic;
  • Strength, which adds one point to the user's power;
  • and Speed, which adds one point to the user's speed statistic.

Of the three, you will find that Strength is the most rare, while Magic is the most plentiful, so plan accordingly. Note, however, that it is indeed possible to get unlimited Strength Capsules if you're patient and charm lots of Blubber Hulks, so this analysis assumes you're not going to go too crazy in grinding out charms.

Exploration Locations

These locations are found during the course of the game plot, and not in battle. Some you'll find obvious, and some a bit more hidden, and still others will simply be handed to you as you talk to NPCs.


  1. Guardia Forest, towards the lower-right corner: Strength Capsule
  2. Elder's House in Medina, available after returning from the End of Time: Magic Capsule and Speed Capsule
  3. Behind Toma's Grave after getting Epoch: Speed Capsule
  4. Near Cyrus' Grave after getting Epoch: Strength Capsule and Magic Capsule

Middle Ages

  1. Guardia Forest, towards the lower-right corner: Strength Capsule
  2. Cathedral, in an upper-left-hand room: Strength Capsule
  3. Guardia Castle, from the cook after speaking to the Captain on Zenan Bridge: Strength Capsule
  4. Porre Market, near the girl: Strength Capsule
  5. Residence - Dorino, in exchange for the Naga-ette Bromide: Magic Capsule
  6. Denadoro Mountains, repeatedly talk to the Kilwala: Magic Capsule
  7. Denadoro Mountains, near the save point: Speed Capsule
  8. Magus' Lair, after defeating Flea: Magic Capsule
  9. Magus' Lair, in the lower-right of the room with the moving save point: Magic Capsule
  10. Sunken Desert, after beating Melphyx: Strength Capsule
  11. Sun Keep, after getting Epoch: Strength Capsule
  12. Ozzie's Fort, in a secret passage also containing equipment for Magus: Magic Capsule


  1. Jetbike Race, after getting the Race Recorder: one Strength Capsule available to win
  2. Arris Dome, unlocked with Marle's Pendant: Strength Capsule
  3. Trann Dome, unlocked with Marle's Pendant: Magic Capsule
  4. Keeper's Dome, unlocked with Marle's Pendant: Magic Capsule
  5. Geno Dome, near the first Poyozo Doll: Speed Capsule
  6. Geno Dome, in the red room past the save point: Strength Capsule
  7. Geno Dome, past the laser door after Atropos XR: Magic Capsule
  8. Geno Dome, in the secret passage at the end of the conveyor: Magic Capsule
  9. Death Peak, near the first tree: Strength Capsule

Dark Ages

  1. Enhasa, fighting the group of Nu after the Water/Wind/Fire puzzle: Magic Capsule and Speed Capsule
  2. Kajar, upper right area: Speed Capsule
  3. Zeal, scratching the Nu in Kajar and then the one in Zeal: Magic Capsule
  4. Beast's Nest, lower-right corner: Strength Capsule
  5. Mt. Woe, near the chain at the top of the climb: Magic Capsule
  6. Ocean Palace, riding the elevator twice (first down, then up): Magic Capsule
  7. Last Village, behind the Nu: Magic Capsule
  8. Blackbird, after getting all equipment and items back: Magic Capsule

The Black Omen

  1. In a chest in a room with Flyclops, Cybot, Martello, and Blubber Hulk: Speed Capsule
  2. Next room after #1: Speed Capsule
  3. Room with Ghaj and Narble: Speed Capsule
  4. Room with Panel and Tera Mutant: Speed Capsule

The End of Time

A variety of tabs will come your way by defeating each form of Spekkio.

Finally, a number of tabs become available in the Nintendo DS port in the new areas.

Lost Sanctum

  1. Prehistoric, reward for giving the Prismastone to the Reptite: two each Magic Capsules, Strength Capsules, and Speed Capsules.

Dimensional Vortex

  1. Antiquity Vortex, Frozen Cliffs, largest sub-map: one each Magic Capsule, Strength Capsule, and Speed Capsule.
  2. Present Vortex, Volcano, in the hidden passage to the right of the Red Ghaj: Strength Capsule.
  3. Present Vortex, Volcano, on the left-side ladder after defeating the two Deathcreepers: Strength Capsule.
  4. Future Vortex, Research Lab in the conveyor room after the party is locked in: Magic Capsule.

Charmable Enemies

A handful of enemies can be charmed to receive tabs as well. Here is a list:

Caves of Narshe: Chrono Trigger
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.