CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.11: Scenario Sabin

Imperial Camp

Enemies: Stray Cat, Aepyornis, Nettlehopper, Chippirabbit, Captain, Imperial Soldier, Templar, Magitek Armor, Doberman, Soldier (Imperial Camp),

Treasures: RelicBarrier Ring, RelicMythril Glove, Remedy, RelicStar Pendant, Monster-in-a-box (Satellite)

So, Sabin was thrown off the raft and separated from his five-minute friends. Getting back to Narshe is going to be tedious, as you have no idea which way to go. Your only hope is to find somebody who can point out the way...

Keep Sabin in the Back Row with a RelicWhite Cape and a RelicStar Pendant. Even if you do have RelicEarring, Aura Cannon kills everything in one shot anyway, so a power boost isn't needed. Beakor's !Featherdust can Poison you, so that's why I advise a RelicStar Pendant.

Walk over to the house. Here, there are three main points of interest. The guy you met in South Figaro is here, there's a green soldier-type merchant on a chocobo who comes in and leaves pretty quickly, and there's a house to go in. First, go over to the merchant. He has a nice set of items for you. I suggest you buy 99 ShurikenShurikens from him. 2970 Gil is not that much, and it'll stop any worrying about the limit of Shadow's attacks for a good while. Also, buy 5 SkeanInvisibility Scrolls and 5 SkeanShadow Scroll. You probably won't ever need any more.

Inside the house, you can touch the stove for a neat little scene about how crazy this guy in fact is, but there's nothing remotely useful for you to do here otherwise. Make sure you talk to the Crazy Old Man in question several times, as his lines change.

Talking to Shadow's dog just sends Sabin hiding behind various objects, so chat with Shadow and accept him into your party. It's not required as such; you can perfectly well finish the scenario without him. It's just that there's no reason whatsoever to ignore him, as not only is he a great asset to your team at this stage, he also comes with some ArmorNinja Gear on him, which is great armor for now. Your additions to his equipment should be a ShieldHeavy Shield and a HelmetPlumed Hat, which you can buy from the merchant if you have none to spare. Like I mentioned in the preparations, you'll want a RelicGigas Glove and a filler Relic on him, such as the RelicHyper Wrist. Stick him in the Back Row, as the very purpose of throwing something is ignoring the distance between you and the target.

There are moments in the game Shadow has the annoying tendency to have a chance of running off after every battle. I'll explain that when that chance actually presents itself. For now, Shadow is your loyal sidekick. In other words, Shadow will not run out on you right now.

On the Overworld Map, all violence directed at you is physical. In the first battle you fight with Shadow, have him Throw an SkeanInvisibility Scroll. This makes him invulnerable for the remaining journey on the Overworld Map. Throw ShurikenShurikens and Aura Cannons at your heart's delight; you'll find there's little strategy in this scenario as most of your fights consist of taking hits and returning single-target one-hit KO's.

It seems there is an Imperial obstruction in the way. This is the Imperial Camp Shadow talked about, the one that will try to overcome the defenses of Doma at some point in the near future. We'll have to try to sneak past it. Keep Sabin in the Back Row, as well as Shadow if you brought him. As soon as you enter the Imperial Camp, a cutscene will ensue. It becomes apparent that General Leo is leading the attack on Doma, and that he's pretty popular with the soldiers. Kefka, on the other hand, is expected to drive Leo out of the mission and become a general himself, a thought that inspires fear in the soldiers. Also, Doma is being attacked. Right now. The scene switches to Doma, where chances of overcoming the attack are slim. However, the retainer, Cyan Garamonde, has a daring plan: Rush out of the castle to kill the leading officer; this might send the soldiers scurrying off for the time being.

After the scene, you are in control of Cyan. Equip Cyan with fancy new equipment you can offer him: ShieldHeavy Shield, HelmetPlumed Hat or even an HelmetIron Helmet if you went through some pains in Locke's scenario already. Outside, eight Imperial soldiers are banging their heads against the walls of Doma in a sophisticated attempt to infiltrate it. The leading officer does nothing. You can pick a fight with any of the wandering Imperial soldiers (which will trigger a battle with two Imperial Soldiers), but it's of little use, as you'll be forced to fight Imperial Soldiers in the near future anyway. I suggest you simply go for the leader.

Bestiary #36
Magic Atk.
Mag. Def.
Mag. Evade
Stolen Items
Dropped Items
Status Immunities
Elemental Immunities
Elemental Absorb
Elemental Weakness
Command Immunities
The captain, surprisingly called 'Captain', will sometimes use !Axe in between his normal physicals. He has a 33% of countering any damage with !Axe, and that wraps it up for Captain.

Cyan should be in the Back Row, so Captain's attacks shouldn't really hurt him. Cyan's #1 Bushido skill, Fang, will deal sufficient damage to easily kill Captain before Captain can come anywhere near killing Cyan. Bushido skill #2, Sky, will make sure that the Captain is killed in one hit. Bushido skill #3 works as well, although it takes needlessly long. Expand Full Strategy

Make sure you end up with a RelicBlack Belt rather than a Phoenix Down; the RelicBlack Belt is a nice Relic at this point of the game, and you can't get another one for quite some time. When you're done playing around with petty officers, the Imperial Soldiers, despite their overwhelming number, decide it would be best to flee, and the scene switches back to Sabin and Shadow.

Proceed to explore the Imperial Camp. To the left is an Imperial Soldier marching around; engaging him will get you a Imperial Soldier x2 and Magitek Armor battle. This walking soldier will re-spawn every time you leave and enter the Imperial Camp, by the way.

To the left are a seemingly passive guard dog and a chest in the large military tent. You'll be given three options when examining the chest: Kick it, hit it, and leave it.

If you Kick it, the guard dog outside will be alarmed and will attack you, triggering an attack. You'll be up against Dobermans, either two (25% chance) or three (the other 75%). They're the only Dobermans you'll ever see in the game, so if you're still cruising for the perfect Rage list, this is the option you'll want. Dobermans, strangely, do not appear in the Bestiary. After Kicking it, the chest is open. It contains a RelicStar Pendant. If you Hit it, you'll fool an Imperial soldier by pretending to be a cat. After the soldier has disappeared, you'll be able to open the chest, which still contains a RelicStar Pendant. If you Leave it, nothing will happen, unlike, say, leaving your wife.

If you're done in this part of the Imperial Camp and are ready to continue, you'll come across a cutscene in which General Leo is called home to Vector by Emperor Gestahl, leaving Kefka in charge. You can get up and stretch your muscles for two steps before Leo and Kefka meet before your eyes. Kefka and Leo do not get along. Leo hasn't disappeared from your sight for a second when Kefka orders the poisoning of Doma's water supply, which not only goes against the laws of honor and war, but will take out several Imperial prisoners within the walls of Doma castle. Even given your current position, you cannot allow this to happen - springing into action will throw you into battle.

You'll be fighting a character version of Kefka, who runs after taking one hit. He'll simply smack you over the head with his SpecialMorning Star if you let him, so getting your butt kicked isn't even terribly interesting in this case. When he runs, he runs, and you'll follow. Don't immediately follow him all the way, though; there are important things to be done: In a tent, there are two chests. Ignore them for now and walk behind this tent. Automatically, you'll jump off a ledge and walk into another tent. Here, you'll find a RelicBarrier Ring; swap it with Sabin's RelicStar Pendant. He can enjoy the slight Aura Cannon damage increase. Now, walk back into the tent with two chests. The right one contains a RelicMythril Glove, which you can ignore for the rest of your life. The left one contains one of NASA's old-time prides: The Satellite. If you already completed Locke's scenario, give the RelicRibbon to Sabin at this point. If not, give him the RelicGenji Glove and move him to the Front Row.

Bestiary #39
Magic Atk.
Mag. Def.
Mag. Evade
Stolen Items
Dropped Items
Common: X-Potion
Common: HelmetGreen Beret
Status Immunities
Elemental Immunities
Elemental Absorb
Elemental Weakness
Command Immunities
Metamorph Package
Satellite will normally use Attack, !Supersonic Wave, Scintillation, Magitek Laser and Missile to make your life harder than it already is. Every ninth turn it takes, Satellite will use ODischord to halve a character's level. After 25 seconds of fighting, Satellite will call two Imperial Soldiers to aid him. 55 seconds later, he'll call in three Imperial Soldiers to help him (if there are Imperial Soldiers from the previous calling still standing, he'll fill the number to 3), and 120 seconds later, he'll call four Imperial Soldiers (once again, he fills the screen up to four anyway). Finally, Satellite will counter any Blitz attack with Mega Berserk, making sure that Sabin will be Blitz-less in this battle, like an animal.

Shadow should be Throwing ShurikenShurikens while Sabin can keep on pumping out Aura Cannons. If you didn't have a RelicRibbon, he will be Berserked by Satellite's Blitz-counter, Mega Berserk. It should be noted that Shadow will, for the first time, be vulnerable to attacks here as there's a large chance at least one of Satellite's magical attacks will be striking Shadow, removing the Invisible status. Expand Full Strategy

After the fight, you win a HelmetGreen Beret. Equip it on Sabin and swap his RelicWhite Cape with the RelicMythril Glove. Return Sabin to his Back Row Aura Cannon-ing self and move on. Following Kefka further will get you into another battle with character Kefka. Have Shadow re-apply his Invisible status if you lost it versus Satellite.

After talking to Kefka for the third time, he'll run off and sends a pair of Imperial Soldiers and a pair of Templar at you. If Shadow is still visible, take care of that problem. Have Sabin Defend and keep his own HP up, while Shadow takes out the enemies one by one (Templars first). There's a large chance they will use strong physical counters on you, and Shadow can avoid all of them.

After Kefka breaks the universal honor code and Cyan learns that everything he loves is subject to Poison, you gain control of the good knight. Equip the RelicHermes Sandals on him and another nice filler Relic. You don't really have a choice but to go downstairs and watch Cyan rush into the royal chamber and watch the King of Doma die. Do not go into the door to the right when you leave the royal chamber. It contains graphic adultery, you hear? Instead, go to the bottom of the screen and see two doors there. Pick the right one and enter. There's a Remedy in a pot here. Talk to the Doma Sentry you see in this room, and try to explore the available door next to him. It seems the statement about 'survivors' was too hopeful. When you're done, put Cyan in the Front Row and enter the room I previously forbid you to enter.

You regain control of Sabin and Shadow once the scene is done. You can't exit left, as there's poison there (although you'll learn in a little while there's good distance between the Imperial Camp and Doma Castle - plot device laughs in the face of logic). No choice but to help Cyan! For some extra fun, try talking to Cyan when between the two attacking Imperial Soldiers. Cyan will fight automatically in these battles, having a 66% chance of using Attack and a 33% shot at Fang. Sabin and Shadow can stick to their trusted single-target power-blows, and you'll win the day without breaking a sweat in the battle formations you have to go through, which will be either three or four Soldiers.

After all is said and done, you get to run around in Magitek Armor again! How sweet it is! Heal any damage done to Sabin and Cyan with Healing Force (obviously Shadow wasn't touched at all; he's a non-generic ninja). Use Healing Force anyway, as his invisibility can, believe it or not, become a negative factor in the near future. Put Cyan back in the Back Row and blast your way through any opposition with whatever beam you can use. Everything kills everything, to be blunt. The helpless opposition includes combinations of Magitek Armor and Imperial Soldiers.

Finally! You've managed to sneak through an Imperial Camp without the loss of your life. Of course, you didn't so much 'sneak through' as you simply murdered everybody you saw, which was half of the Camp's population. Still, you live. That's good.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.