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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.14: Scenario Sabin: The Wild Boy

Enemies: Most everything you've seen so far; it's the Veldt, man!

Treasures: Elixir

You've managed to survive the Seafood of Doom, and now you're on the Veldt. You may come across a strange boy, dressed in animal hides. Life is strange. Re-equip that RelicBlack Belt if you took it off. Welcome to the Veldt! Here, random encounter monster formations are reproduced for you to fight. You will not gain Experience Points, and its main purpose is obtaining Rages for Gau, the character you will name shortly. For now, you'll have to go find Mobliz to the east. You'll fight battles in the meantime, and there's a chance you'll see Gau appear when you're done. You probably don't want to hurt the guy, but you can't run from him (the buttons will do nothing), so your only option is to smack him over the head to cause him to flee. The alternative is fleeing from the random encounters themselves, if possible.

Mobliz is a great backwater village supporting itself through hunting. There are some great shops here, so take a look around.

At the weapon shop, you'll want to buy a KnifeKotetsu for Cyan, or two if you want to make him a RelicGenji Glove/RelicBlack Belt character (which is a wise decision). For armor, buy two ShieldHeavy Shields, two HelmetMagus Hats, another HelmetPlumed Hat, and two ArmorIron Armors. The HelmetIron Helms are ridiculously expensive and you find better alternatives in a short while. At the item shop, you'll need to buy at least one Dried Meat, as it triggers a necessary cutscene. Dried Meat is basically a healing potion that heals a character for 150 HP (so it's inferior to normal Hi-Potions), but has the added property of also healing Undead monsters/characters, instead of hurting them like Potions and Hi-Potions do. For relics, it's never a bad idea to have RelicWhite Capes ready, as they make grand filler relics. Make sure you leave at least 2500 Gil in your wallet. Finally, there is an Elixir hidden in the clock of the carrier pigeon house.

Don't bother paying the Inn fee; you can sleep at the bed in the back of the Relic shop. Take a look at the two kiddos in love; Duane and Katarin will make a more significant appearance in the future. There's a wounded lad from Maranda residing in Mobliz. He left the army when he heard they were heading for Doma, but was busted up for his insolence. They broke every bone in his body for leaving, to be more precise. Poor lad indeed. He has a honey in Maranda and you can help him with his situation! He receives letters from her, but can't write back. Do it for him, I say! You'll have to send a total of five parcels that direction: A letter, a record, a Potion (don't worry, it won't come from your stash), another letter, and finally a book. You can't send new stuff if the wounded soldier hasn't gotten any reply, which he gets if you sleep at the inn, speak to the salesmen of the Item, Weapon, Armor, or Relic shops, or see the scholar's explanation of the Serpent Trench.

That makes no sense whatsoever, I am completely aware of that. After you've sent the five parcels, the poor guy gives you a RelicTintinnabulum, a nice filler Relic and extremely rare, which gives the illusion it's actually more useful than it in fact is. If you're wondering what exactly a RelicTintinnabulum is, it's probably derived from 'tintinnabulation' which means 'ringing'. I can add that the Japanese game calls it a Cat's Bell; I guess we're supposed to assume that with every step the RelicTintinnabulum lets out a chime and heals the wearer a little.

Once you're done dancing and prancing in Mobliz, head to the Veldt again. The weird kid called Gau repeatedly said he was hungry, but you had nothing to help him with. Fortunately, Mobliz offers you the possibility of buying food, unlike other towns. Equip the RelicGenji Glove and KnifeKotetsu Katanas on Cyan and keep him in the Front Row, or stick with Back Row Cyan if you don't have a RelicGenji Glove. The other Relic should be the RelicBlack Belt if you have the RelicGenji Glove; while Fang still out-damages Cyan's Attack (it's pretty close), the counterattack will kill most critters here.

You're bound to run into a few battles here, and you're bound to come across Gau while doing so. You'll need both Sabin and Cyan alive for him to appear. Use a Dried Meat on him to trigger a long, long, yet surprisingly un-boring cutscene in which Gau joins you.

Gau arrives like a baby, completely naked and screaming nonsense. Equip him with what you have, which probably is a ShieldBuckler, HelmetBandana, and ArmorKenpo Gi. You will want to swap Sabin's ShieldMythril Shield with Gau's ShieldBuckler as Gau will have to be in the Front Row and can use the extra defense. Not only does Gau return to his spot in the team in the Front Row at all times, his physicals are important enough on the Veldt to warrant Front Row. As far as Relics go, you should have a RelicGigas Glove free. Set the other Relic slot up with a filler Relic (RelicWhite Cape is nice).

Gau joins with a few Rages already: Zaghrem, Exocite, Hornet, Silver Lobo, Magitek Armor, Belmodar, Cartagra, Wererat, and Angel Whisper. Zaghrem is nice, and Belmodar has its distant uses, but for the real good stuff (and there really is a lot of good stuff for Gau to Rage, make no mistake), you'll want to obtain these:
Inherent Float
Absorbs Water
!Numb (adds Stop)
Absorbs Lightning, Inherent Float, Undead
Will o' the Wisp
Absorbs Poison, Undead
!Cat Scratch
Wind Slash
Inherent Float
Inherent Protect
One-Hit KO Protection
Sonic Boom
Inherent Float, One-Hit KO Protection
Absorbs Fire, Inherent Float

The most important ones right now are Darkwind, Trillium, Alacran, Templar and Guard Leader/Lesser Lopros. If you've completed Locke's scenario already, Acrophies is just as good as Alacran for its purpose.

Really, unless you want to obtain as many Rages as possible, you can ignore other monsters. Keep in mind that Leaping at monsters such as Silver Lobo and Gorgias is just losing control of Gau's Leaping for the time being, which could make him miss out on the others.

Guard Leader has the strongest multi-target attack you can possess up to now: Wind Slash. He is, sadly, especially elusive due to the way the Veldt works, so don't feel too bad if you leave the Veldt without having met this one. Obviously, no Rage is mandatory, but keep in mind that Gau's usefulness exceeds all other characters if you find the right Rages, and he sucks beyond belief if you don't invest the time in him.

Satellites still drop HelmetGreen Berets, which are superior Helmets for everybody. Terra and a mystery character soon to be introduced (I'm talking about Celes) have an acceptable alternate option in the HelmetMagus Hat, but ideally, you'll want to stick around until you've won another three HelmetGreen Berets (you'll find one extra before long).

When you're done chasing Gau around, stick him in the Back Row as the next dungeon will have him rely on magical attacks and go visit Crescent Mountain, located to the southeast. Gau has a gift for you there, and a bloke in Mobliz mentioned you could reach Nikeah by jumping into the raging current of the Serpent Trench. Who knows, those might be connected somehow!

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.