Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough
Written by Djibriel
1.16: Scenario Locke: South Figaro and its Secret
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Enemies: Heavy Armor, Officer (Imperial Camp), Merchant, Commander, Vector Hound
Treasures: Earring,
Great Sword,
Heavy Shield, Hi-Ether,
Iron Armor,
Ribbon, X-Potion
In preparation, equip the

A Magitek Armor soldier has blocked the normal entrance to the rest of town. There are two ways to continue: First, in the Item Shop, there's a Merchant. He insults you by stating your actual profession, so obviously you'll need to kill him. By successfully Stealing his item (either a

Once in the rest of South Figaro, your plan is simple: Mug a soldier and walk out of town in his clothes. Remember where you found the Teleport Stone here? Walk up the perimeter wall and go over to the three barrels. There's an Officer (Imperial Camp) walking around. Engage in a fight with him and Steal one of his items; once again, you'll walk away with his garment.
Another option is using a secret passage even the game designers forgot while creating this scenario for you: There's a big building that's built over the water here; it's to the left of the Armored trooper, and on the other side you can see it's the Inn/Cafe. Behind the part that's built over the water is a secret bridge you can use to walk over the water. You circumvent having to steal from the Officer (Imperial Camp) here, and if you're a match for the Heavy Armor you can circumvent stealing clothes entirely.
The only soldier you can convince is the one near the Chocobo stable, but the exit is still prohibited. Oh well, might as well gather some more information in the Pub; you learned from the soldier near the Magitek Armor that Narshe is the next target of the Imperial Army, so who knows what else you might learn? The Pub is bustling with activity! Chatting here will tell you there's an Imperial general held captive somewhere in South Figaro for treason, and there's talk of a secret passage out of South Figaro from the rich man's house. Too bad you can't enter it. But there also seems to be a secret passage from the rich man's house to another house in town, and what house could be more logical than the one of the servant? Better charm that old coot with some Cider to see if he talks.
Go downstairs and you'll find the merchant who continuously brought Cider to the old man when you first visited South Figaro with Edgar and Terra. Obviously, he says something that will make you want to beat him up. Since you're still in the outfit of the Officer (Imperial Camp), you'll want to steal his clothes again (else that kid won't let you pass). If you accidentally beat him up, there's always a merchant waiting for homicide in one of the rooms of the Inn.
Bring the Cider (which, by the way, is a Key Item) to the old servant and he will reveal the existence of a secret passage. He cannot remember his own password, nor is he willing to walk five steps to go over to his grandson and tell him it's okay. You'll have to go downstairs and guess. Or, I could just tell you the correct password is 'Courage'. You're in the secret passage to the rich man's house! Once you arrive, you'll see the clock you robbed earlier for an Elixir. If you didn't do that with Edgar and Terra, do so now. Exit, walk around to the door, and enter. Go up to the second floor. The right room has a girl saying something about 'Winding the Clock'. Guess that's what the kids call it these days, eh? The left room contains a grieving rich man, showing how capitalism ruins a man. Find the secret passage behind his bookcase and descend. Halfway to the basement, you will be asked to change your clothes. Doing so will turn you back into plain Locke. Doesn't matter if you do it or not. Walk on.
The next cutscene was subject to much debate. In all other versions of the game, Celes is smacked around quite a bit by the soldier, eventually falling to the floor. This was removed to fit the target audience in the U.S., though many felt the scene added drama to the situation and all. Oh well.
If you were plain ol' Locke or in Merchant mode, you'll hide in the rafters; if you're disguised as a soldier you'll simply give a salute. The dialogue you have with Celes will change based on your outfit too.
When you're done being the chivalrous young male protagonist (Final Fantasy players should be used to that), it's time to bust out. Celes points out that the soldier has something you want. Take it. I love how morals stop you from progressing at this point. Don't forget to equip Celes; she was wearing nothing but a Hair Band. Nothing. But. A Hair Band. If this is your last scenario, which it should be, her equipment is best off looking like this:

The strategy here is simple: Both Celes and Locke need to equipped in such a fashion that they can each take out one enemy in one hit. Typically, that means Celes with a pair of

Vector Hounds are the more durable enemies, but even they should fall to a single attack. When a Vector Hound is alone, it will Flee, so take out Commanders first so you have to kill one less living thing. If everything looks good, simply try to nab some extra items with Locke (nothing to get excited about, sadly) while having Celes kill all with two multi-target

Walking through this underground passageway can be frustrating; there are a few rooms seemingly blocked from your path. There is always a hidden path there, though. Once you find the stairs leading to an even lower location, note that there are two visible chests here, one containing Hi-Ether and one containing an X-Potion. Below the one with the X-Potion is a hidden chest containing a

Make sure to find all items. The battles can be a tad boring due to their repetitiveness, but Locke and Celes tend to come to Narshe with the lowest levels so the extra experience doesn't really hurt. When you're done, you can leave. You'll see another set of stairs to the south of the stairs you're using to escape; that's the only room you can't gain entrance to. It's the basement of the house where Duncan's wife lives, and should you enter the basement from her house you'll find a Save Point there which you can't see now.
Now you're in South Figaro again, but you have no options besides escaping. You can talk to the Imperial Trooper who was pursuing Locke in the beginning of the scenario, but he will be completely incapable of recognizing either the person he was chasing a while ago and/or a famous general of his own army.
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.