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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.19: Respite at Narshe

Treasures: 5000 Gil, RelicEarring, Elixir, RelicHyper Wrist, RelicReflect Ring, RelicThief's Bracer, DirkThief's Knife

After killing the main part of their defensive force in the beginning of the game and being denied entrance two times in subsequent parts, it is finally time to embrace all that Narshe has to offer. To the west, there are the caves where the Moogles live. To the north are the coal mines and the passageway leading into the snowy mountains where you protected the Esper. The city itself, independent as it is, has many great items to offer you.

This is also the first time you have to make a choice between your seven characters. Who to take, who to leave behind? Since it mostly depends on personal preference, I will write from now on knowing that you could have every character combination possible, although I will expect you to have four party members.

As far as best characters at this point go, I'll do my best: Edgar buys two great new Tools in a short while, which definitely beat all other options. Edgar is a must-have at this point in the game. Sabin should reach level 15 if he hadn't already and learn his Rising Phoenix Blitz, a great multi-target attack that puts the significant hurt on pretty much everything. Gau is an offensive maniac at this point, only hindered by the fact he only uses the Awesome Attack 50 % of the time. However, he does have access to stuff like Auto-Protect, !Cat Scratch, OBio, and !Numbclaw. If you found even one third of the Rages I recommended earlier, Gau is a much better choice then whoever is left. I'd definitely recommend these three characters for this scenario, as they'll have the easiest time coming through. If you didn't pick any of Gau's Rages, though, his only saving grace is Zaghrem, which, frankly, still puts him above Cyan but doesn't make him superior to Locke or Celes. Celes is a nice addition to your team as a OCure user. You have all the offensive power you could ever need with ToolsFlash (Edgar's new multi-target damage Tool) and Rising Phoenix, so the fact she can't really damage stuff efficiently doesn't hurt her case. She'll also make a fine asset to the boss battle of the scenario, although nowhere near the usefulness of a good Raged-up Gau with Alacran or Acrophies. Locke doesn't have any offensive power to bring to your team either, but his purpose is the Steal command (obviously). There are quite a few rare Steals that are worth your time, and where Celes heals with OCure, Locke simply adds an extra restorative item to your team in every battle. Cyan is the worst character right now. The only thing he can do is offense, and not only do you not need it, Bushidos are horrible at this part of the game. Fang is so-so and though Cyan learns Flurry, you either have to charge it up while the Figaro Brothers attack, in which case there's nothing left to Slam or put all other characters are on hold, which disrupts the flow of the battle. Also, Flurry is far inferior to ToolsFlash and Rising Phoenix.

Finally, you could choose to leave Narshe with only three characters and pick up an old 'friend' in Kohlingen: Shadow. Shadow will randomly leave you throughout the entire scenario, and is therefore a risky investment. Battle-wise, Shadow is a straight offense man with very acceptable single-target damage from a Thrown ShurikenShuriken and extremely strong multi-target damage at the cost of 500 Gil a toss from the elemental scrolls in Kohlingen.

In the end, my personal recommendation is a team consisting of Edgar, Sabin, Gau, and Locke.

New weapons in Narshe include the SpecialChain Flail and the SpecialMoonring Blade. The SpecialChain Flail is a weapon for Terra and Celes; Terra is gone and Celes will still do more damage with and OBlizzard spell than with the SpecialChain Flail. It's an entirely useless weapon, but you might want to buy it for completeness' sake. It deals the same amount of damage from the back row, so it has that going for it, but since the possible wielder at this point (Celes) loses the ability to Runic and shouldn't be attacking anyway, it's a moot point. OBlizzard spells do cost MP where a SpecialChain Flail attack does not, so in theory, it could have its use. The SpecialMoonring Blade is a weapon for Locke that allows him to do full damage from the Back Row; a superior weapon without this feature can be found somewhere else. I'd buy one, as you may want to use it.

At the armor shop, ShieldMythril Shields are finally available for everybody! Buy one for the entire team. All other items were previously obtainable.

Especially if you don't bring Celes, Hi-Potions might come in handy, so keep an eye out for your stock at the Item Shop. Phoenix Downs are ever useful, so make sure you have a few of those to throw around if necessary.

Hidden Items: In the clock in the Elder's House, you'll find an Elixir. A helpful peasant allows you to take his stuff in a house to the east. While normally that'd include such useless trinkets as paled paintings and broken silverware, what is offered here is very nice indeed. In the small shack, you'll find 5000 Gil, a DirkThief's Knife, RelicEarring, a RelicReflect Ring, a RelicThief's Bracer and a RelicHyper Wrist. The DirkThief's Knife is Locke's superior weapon that I was talking about. The RelicThief's Bracer doubles his Steal success rate; the treasure hunter is quite hyped at this point!

If you walk to the north, where you entered the coal mines to find the Esper with Terra and company, you'll catch a glimpse of a being, dressed in white fur. Maybe at some point in the future you'll learn who or what it is.

Remember that elusive battle formation you hunted for in the Caves of Narshe, the one with Specter and Eukaryote from the security checkpoint? Well, guess what: Specter has a rare RodIce Rod for you to steal, and with Locke, you finally have access to it. The odds are far too small, but while the RodIce Rod is a weapon you cannot currently equip on anybody, you can break it for massive damage in battle, and it's nice to have at this point.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.