CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.20: Getting to Kohlingen (With an Optional Side Trip)

Enemies: Leaf Bunny, Darkwind, Sand Ray, Alacran

Terra flew off. Not only do you personally care for her well-being, but she is also a key player in your struggle against the Empire; she must be retrieved or it will be a major setback for the Returners. Witnesses say they saw a soaring light, heading west... The western continent is accessible with Figaro Castle, the subterranean taxi. It's time to split your team between those who will seek Terra, and those who stay behind should the Empire attempt another attack to obtain the Esper. And now, you travel...

You have three RelicEarring now to split between those of your party who can use it (Sabin, Gau, and Edgar). Celes' damage will be lower than the rest anyway, so trying to make something out of it will just be a waste of an RelicEarring. If you have the RelicGenji Glove, Locke and Cyan (in that order) will benefit from it, possibly paired with a RelicBlack Belt for Cyan, though you'll want to equip that RelicThief's Bracer on Locke.

There is one small task you can perform before going to Kohlingen and beyond, and that's taking Gau back to the Veldt to have him learn some new Rages. The two new Rages of interest are Anguiform and Aspiran. Anguiform performs OAqua Breath, which, although weaker than Wind Slash on multiple targets, will nail the weakness of many more monsters later on. Aspiran uses Gigavolt, which is an obscenely strong magical attack that sometimes goes multi-target (far surpassing OAqua Breath and Wind Slash in that aspect), but even its single-target surpasses anything. For comparison, it's almost as strong as a OFira spell hitting a weakness. It's not entirely necessary as Gau's attacks are already stronger than whatever attacks your other characters have.

To visit the Veldt, take the Cave to South Figaro and pass through Mt. Kolts. You'll find the Returner Hideout again, and in Banon's Room, you can find the hidden passage to the raft. Jump on it, and after the same battles you had to fight earlier, you'll now take the path Sabin took when he drifted off. You find yourself near the hut of the crazy man again. Walk through the Phantom Forest (no Imperial Camp or Phantom Train this time) and jump down Baren Falls (no battles here either). You're on the Veldt now. Leap around until you're satisfied. Jump down the Serpent Trench and wind up in Nikeah. Take the ferry at the bottom of the map to South Figaro and you're on known territory. Oh yeah, and you're smuggled out of South Figaro in a chest; that never ceases to amuse the kids.

In Figaro Castle, there are new Tools for sale! ToolsFlash is a non-elemental, multi-target magical attack, so your RelicEarring on Edgar will shine even more. ToolsDrill is an attack like Fang, Raging Fist, and ShurikenShuriken: Physical, barrier-piercing, and non-elemental. ToolsDrill beats Fang and Raging Fist in power, though. Since Edgar is king, you can put him as the lead character to obtain a discount; the merchant will whine regardless but will only give a discount if Edgar is your leader. If you lack Edgar in your party but have Sabin, the merchant will notice... but no discount for you.

At this stage, the Meteor Strike Blitz will start becoming more dangerous than Aura Cannon when Sabin is without RelicEarring. With RelicEarring, the damage difference is marginal, but you'll want to get used to using Meteor Strike when only one monster is on the battlefield as it will do double damage when only one target remains.

Cyan will learn Flurry at level 15. The charge time becomes noticeable now, and the result is hardly worth it: Four hits on random targets with the same total damage as ToolsDrill. I would advise Cyan to stick to Fang and Attack (Fang is slightly stronger, but RelicGenji Glove Attack is targetable).

Taking either Edgar or Sabin to Figaro Castle will draw a reaction from them. If you go sleep at the Inn of Figaro Castle with both Edgar and Sabin, a special scene will be revealed, however there's a better time to watch this so I'll bring it up later when the timing is right. When you're done, have the man in the room left of the entrance ship you to Kohlingen.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.