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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.22: Next Stop: Jidoor

North Grasslands
South Grasslands

Enemies: Sand Ray, Alacran, Fossil Dragon, Vulture, Iron Fist, Bloodfang, Rock Wasp, Paraladia

Treasures: RelicHero's Ring, Ether

While searching for Terra, you were told she went to Jidoor. But reaching Jidoor is not an easy task as the road there is a long and dangerous one.

Before you go all the way to Jidoor, let's take a look at some features this part of the game provides! A man in Kohlingen told you about his brother to the north, at Dragon's Neck, who dreams of building a colosseum. You'll want to pay this so-called lunatic a visit as one of his buckets houses an ever-so-precious RelicHero's Ring, which is basically RelicGigas Glove and RelicEarring combined. They work on every character, but are especially nice on those who use both magical and physical attacks, such as Edgar and Gau.

The desert is dangerous! While most battles will just feature the same critters you faced on the other side of the mountains, you're more than likely to meet a Fossil Dragon before long. These undead dragons have witnessed their own bones bleaching in the sun, being polished by the never-ending sand storms of the desert. They have a fatal attack in !Bone (for which you'll need a Holy Water to cure), and Sandstorm is a nasty attack that deals about 200 HP worth of damage to your entire party. It's easily evaded, but at this point, your team isn't going to avoid an old man in a wheelchair, so watch out. Beating one of these monsters will get you 1870 Gil though, so it's worth the challenge if you're low on cash. The easiest way to take care of them is using a Phoenix Down or Holy Water (you can buy three Phoenix Downs or six Holy Waters from one battle, so it's a feasible strategy that goes easy on the wallet), but if you lack those, it's up to your most powerful attacks. Steal a Phoenix Down/Holy Water with Locke, ToolsDrill a hole with Edgar, Sabin can deliver massive pain with Aura Cannon (it's super-effective), Celes can make little difference regardless besides a multi-target OCure when a Sandstorm attack kicks in, Cyan can use Tiger early on or deliver a Fang later, and Gau's Dark Side, Anguiform, Templar and Mu are extremely effective.

In the forest near the would-be Colosseum is a Chocobo Stable. If you don't feel like traveling and doing battle, you can always rent one here and reach Jidoor on a whim. To be honest, the monsters here, as well as their corresponding Rages (excluding Rock Wasp, which only appear near Jidoor anyway), are worth crap so you're not really missing out.

The grasslands and forests are littered with fairly useless enemies, but the Iron Fists are fairly dangerous. When they're alone they will use Stone, a horrid spell that not only will do 7.5x as much damage to you when you're the same level as the caster (in Iron Fist's case, 15) but will also Confuse anything that survives it. If you're level 15 and are hit with Stone, you die (it's over 1300 HP worth of damage, folks). If you're not and you're still hit, you go medieval with ToolsAuto Crossbow, Rising Phoenix, Wind Slash, and whatnot on your own party members. You'll want to avoid this scenario at all costs; kill Iron Fists first.

All other enemies are generally unassuming. Red Fang and Paraladia can poison you, so watch out, and give them priority over Rock Wasp bugs. These simple pests prolong the battle by putting you to sleep. They're easy enemies and you should destroy them.

Rising Phoenix and ToolsFlash rule supreme as heavy-hitting multi-target spells that can seriously weaken or kill anything they touch with consistent effort. Wind Slash, Gigavolt, and OAqua Breath performed by Gau are going to kill everything when they occur. Let these characters do the hitting and have other characters run utility work. Celes can absorb Shamshir with Runic, so you might want to have her ready with it, should those two meet. Locke can Steal some rather uninteresting healing potions and Cyan can waste time in your party. There's a peninsula to the south of Jidoor, leading to a sole building. This is the Opera House, and it's closed.

Remember that day? Remember that day you went to visit your aunt's eccentric and rich sister, who had those beautiful crystal-like glasses you wanted to have so very, very bad? And remember when you told your mom and she told you that you would never ever earn enough money to buy one, no matter how hard you tried? This is like a city full of those rich sisters, but this time you can't punch them in the face and take what you like from them.

Jidoor has new weapons! The ClawKaiser Knuckless are for Sabin, and they're Holy-elemental. While they're fairly legendary throughout a lot of Final Fantasy games, here they have negligible use. I do suggest you pick up two of them, as there will be one scenario where they will come in handy. KnifeKiku-ichimonji are new Knives for Cyan. If you have Cyan in your party, you probably made a RelicGenji Glove/RelicBlack Belt out of him; two KnifeKiku-ichimonji improve his usefulness. DirkKodachi blades are for Shadow; disregarding that you're unlikely to actually have him on the team, the fact that any Thrown ShurikenShuriken will surpass any held blade in damage will make sure the DirkThief's Knife is superior to equip. May be less of a non-factor if you brought Locke AND Shadow and have felt the necessity to equip the DirkThief's Knife on the treasure hunter.

Jidoor sells expensive new armor. First and foremost, you'll notice ArmorMythril Vests for sale. You should already have enough of them, but if you don't have enough to keep the Cyans and Edgars in your party pleased, you could get some. The ArmorNinja Gear was thus far an exclusive item you kinda forgot to return to Shadow when he left, but it's likely the majority of your party can enjoy this thing. Finally, the ArmorWhite Dress: If you have money, buy two. The ArmorWhite Dress is great, giving a hefty Magic Boost and solid Magic Defense.

This is the first time you can buy noteworthy nice Relics! RelicEarring are for sale in Jidoor. After the many new weapons, potions, scrolls, whatever, it's unlikely you have a lot of money to spare, but if your party can really use a third RelicEarring (say, if you brought Gau, Edgar, Sabin, and Celes), consider buying one.

All the way to the north is a massive mansion that would be suitable as an attraction in a cheesy amusement park. There's an Ether in one of the buckets.

Time to explore the town! Beyond everything already described above, there's precious little to explore, actually; like in the case of real rich people, it's all appearance and little content. Remember the huge mansion to the north; the owner of it is Owzer, a famous art lover. The Auction House is closed for the time being; a convenient plot device employed to tell you that whatever you can buy here shouldn't be available yet. The NPCs are generally useless here, but there are three points of interesting information they provide:
  1. Terra apparently headed north, into the mountains. That's where Zozo is.
  2. People in Zozo lie. They lie!
  3. The inhabitants of Zozo also steal.

Why would Terra use her newfound ability to travel by air to go to what sounds like the slums of Jidoor, detached, full of American Presidents? It will forever be a mystery. Or not, because you're about to find out.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.