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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

2.25: The Cave on the Veldt


Enemies: Gorgimera, Twinscythe, Death Warden, Behemoth King 1, Behemoth King 2

Lore: ODoom

Party: Optional: Terra, Cyan, Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Gau, Umaro

Whom to bring? Gau's a great choice here, as you can practice his new Rages here (which are great if you have some of the proper ones). Edgar is an excellent choice if you have gotten his ToolsAir Anchor already and also great if you don't, as is Relm (although you probably don't have her yet). In Edgar's absence, Mog is a nice addition as well; it's about the LanceHoly Lance here. Celes's Runic ability will come in handy in the boss battle here too. For the random encounters, the characters who have learned OFiraga are excellent.

Twinscythe is a big nasty Killer Mantis upgrade. Twinscythes absorb Ice-elemental attacks and have Instant Death protection. To top it off, they have just enough HP to survive most multi-target spells, so it's hard to clean them up easily. On the offensive, they are nothing to worry about; they just use Battle over and over again, countering every attack with a 33% shot at !Drainsickle (drains HP). Take them out with Fire- or Wind-elemental attacks. Sabin's Razor Gale works really well on them, Cyan's KnifeKazekiri Knife hurts them badly (although you'll want a RelicGenji Glove/RelicHero's Ring combination to ensure death), and OLv. 4 Flare also hits the spot (the little Magna Roader (Brown)'s Rage allows Gau to cast it; it's all the way to the bottom of the Rage list). Razor Gale and OLv. 4 Flare should be boosted by RelicHero's Rings and/or RelicEarring.

Gorgimera are very elusive, but pretty dangerous when you do encounter them. They have over 7000 Hit Points, no weaknesses and have Instant Death protection, so they'll be around for a while when you meet them. For three turns they'll just attack physically, but on the fourth turn Gorgimera will get all fired up. He'll start with !Rage (Battle * 2), and use three of the following attacks: Blizzard, Fire Ball, Giga Volt, Magnitude8, or OAqua Breath. This triple combination will do the trick. You can stop this madness by casting a combination of OSleep, OSlow and/or OStop on the monster, stopping his actions entirely (if you lay off of the physical attacks).

Gau's Rages in the cave: Marchosias works wonders on the Twinscythes, but the Magna Roader (Brown) with OLv. 4 Flare (bottom) is grand on all monsters here. OQuake is less desirable because it removes Clear even when Floating, and Meteo may miss.

As soon as you enter, you'll see a familiar, yet non-human face: Interceptor! He'll retreat into the cave, so you'll want to follow him. There is nothing to the right anyways.

In the next room, you'll meet a group of four hunters who live in the cave. They'll talk of Gau and tell you that he won't approach if you're with four party members. One of the members will talk about a 'frightful dragon' that no human is able to defeat. Contrary to popular belief, he's not talking about one of the elemental dragons here, but about a rare random encounter: The Brachiosaur, the most dangerous random encounter in the game. I'll talk about that bastard when we get there. In this same room is a chest that contains the RelicBerserker Ring, a Relic that allows Umaro to absorb Ice-elemental attacks (which he already does anyway due to the irremovable ArmorSnow Scarf on him), nullify Fire-elemental attacks, and add the Character Toss attack to his options. Basically, Toss is an improved Umaro Tackle, a non-elemental barrier-piercing physical attack that requires another party member to work. Me, I like to believe he shouts in Sasquatch gibberish: "MAN TORPEDO" before every hurl. That would amuse me. Leave through the door. The RelicBerserker Ring provides all the elemental resistances Umaro is ever going to get, and, with the added offense, you'll really want the RelicBerserker Ring on Umaro at all times.

You'll end up in a place where you can go to the bottom and to the left. To the left (you'll have to navigate blindly for a few steps to reach it) is a chest containing a monster-in-a-box, the deity of Death called Death Warden. Death Warden was never supposed to be a one-time battle, but due to a formation mix-up, this is the only time you'll fight him. He was supposed to appear on the Veldt, providing you with Magic Points and ClawTigerfang before the final dungeon, but that doesn't work out. Here's his deal. Every turn, Death Warden will use ODeath, ODoom, or do nothing. He also may counter every damaging attack you make with a ODeath spell (33%). If you allow it to live for more than a minute, it'll cast eight consecutive Atomic Rays spells which, coming from his rather spectacular Magic Power (50!), equates to death for everybody who isn't specifically protected from Fire-elemental attacks.

Don't bother with dealing damage: Death Warden's weakness is instant death attacks. As soon as you enter battle, have somebody cast OBreak or OBanish. You may want to pause to revive a character if she/he fell to Death Warden's first turn ODeath spell, but OBreak is definitely the way to go. I don't recommend Edgar's ToolsAir Anchor because Death Warden may counter the Tool with a ODeath spell, which you don't want. Regardless, Death Warden is really more of a regular enemy than he is a boss, so you shouldn't have any trouble with him. The Lich Rage obtainable here makes any Rager invulnerable in this battle, as ODeath and ODoom will heal the Rager and Atomic Rays will be absorbed.

After you've defeated Death Warden, you can equip the non-elemental ClawTigerfang on Sabin if you like (if only for the extra increase in Magic Power), and trace your steps a back little to the last junction, taking the southern path this time. The path will take you a long way, but eventually you'll come across a room with a chest and a switch. The chest contains the DirkIchigeki. The DirkIchigeki is a rather feature-less weapon with the DirkAssassin's Dagger's X-type Instant Death ability.

It's a weapon you heard about earlier; a 'mean guy' in the Colosseum was looking for it. That's of little concern to you at this time; we still haven't found Interceptor yet. If you touch the switch, a new path will open up for you to take. Once you take the path: shock and awe! It's Shadow, and he's not looking healthy. If you didn't wait for Shadow at the Floating Continent, he's not here, but it will be Relm who's lying face down on the rocks in the cave. In both cases, Interceptor will be standing guard, waiting for you to come over and help both of them. Ascend the stairs first, and you enter a room with a Save Point. Do your Save Point stuff and enter the room. While you're examining the wounded person, you will be attacked from behind by a behemoth-like monster. Bollocks.

Behemoth King 1
Behemoth King 1
Bestiary #317
Magic Atk.
Mag. Def.
Mag. Evade
Stolen Items
Dropped Items
Status Immunities
Elemental Immunities
Elemental Absorb
Elemental Weakness
Command Immunities

The blue Behemoth King 1, despite his appearance, is almost a pure spell caster. He'll normally attack with OBlizzara, OBlizzaga, and OHoly spells which all hit with considerable force. If he hits the 10240 Hit Point mark, he'll get more OBlizzaga spells than before and throw (enemy) Meteor in the mix, which hurts a bundle (around 1000 on every character, pretty much the same force Intangir used to throw (enemy) Meteor attacks on you).

If a character of yours is under the influence of Reflect, he'll target the character and use !Devil Claw to remove the Reflect status (the message "Effect of "OReflect" vanished" will appear) and then return to his normal AI script. If multiple characters are under the influence of Reflect, he'll go down from character #1 to character #4, alternating between !Devil Claw turns and normal AI script turns. Note that characters with RelicReflect Rings still yield the "Effect of "OReflect" vanished" notion yet keep the status. If Behemoth King 1 is turned into an Imp, it'll respond by changing its AI Script. The boss will now receive auto-criticals from being turned into an Imp and will proceed to use two Battle attacks every turn for three turns, after which it'll cast the OImp spell to try and remove the Imp status. It won't try to do this if it has the Reflect status at the moment, though.

Behemoth King 1, if hit by the OHoly spell, will counter with (enemy) Meteor. Sadly, due to a bug, this overrides the other normal counter (that of having a 33% chance at countering every other damaging attack with battle), so the next time you attack, the party will also be countered with a (enemy) Meteor attack. In other words, the OHoly spell eventually sends two extra (enemy) Meteor attacks down your throat, so don't do it. The Borghese and Holy Dragon Rages cast OHoly; ignore them.

What to do? The best way to deal with the blue Behemoth King 1 is a combination of OImp and OStop. With this done, give it everything you have. Cast OHastega to speed up the process. Summoning EsperFenrir or EsperGolem helps protect against stray physicals from the opposing side. OFira and OFiraga really hurt him. Gau's Devil Fist Rage gives Gau inherent Haste and makes him use Will o' the Wisp; it's great for this battle. If you don't have access to either the Imp or Stop status ailments, Celes's Runic can really help if you brought her. Phantom Rush, GamblerFixed Dice, RelicDragon Horn Jumps - you know what works. Expand Full Strategy

When you finally defeat Behemoth King 1, he'll ripple away and the battle will be over. But no! Behemoth King 1's hatred for all things good has allowed him to survive death itself and return as an undead being to try to wreak havoc once more. Oh no! Everybody runs to the other side of the screen, but don't fear; your Row is still intact (even though it doesn't look like it and it'd be entirely logical if it hadn't been intact), so you won't have to change.

Behemoth King 2
Behemoth King 2
Bestiary #318
Magic Atk.
Mag. Def.
Mag. Evade
Stolen Items
Dropped Items
Status Immunities
Elemental Immunities
Elemental Absorb
Elemental Weakness
Command Immunities
Metamorph Package
This Behemoth King 2 is a little simpler. He'll just use Battle, !Hypno Gas, the ODeath spell, or (enemy) Meteor. He won't use ODeath until the second turn, and he won't use (enemy) Meteor until the third (after which he resets back). If he successfully uses !Hypno Gas on a person, he'll immediately target that person with four consecutive Battle attacks (of which the first one is sure to land). That's about it.

The undead Behemoth King 2's one weakness is the instant death attack. It can be killed by OBanish, Snare, and the ToolsAir Anchor Tool, and it is hurt by Tiger, OGravity, etc. Since Behemoth King 2's first turn isn't dangerous and he has no threatening counters, the ToolsAir Anchor really is a great option to use. The Twilight Requiem from Mog houses both Cave-In and Snare which both truly cripple the massive menace. Since Behemoth King 2 is Undead and lacks Instant Death protection anyway, the ORaise spell is a glorious option; the ORaise spell also works on an Undead with Instant Death protection, mind you, but here it feels less like taking advantage of the system. Expand Full Strategy

When the battle is over, Behemoth King 2 will ripple away again. He's now a rather indestructible monster that roams the Veldt, attacking you every now and again. He leaves a ArmorBehemoth Suit behind every time you meet him though, so it's really not all bad.

After the battle, you'll crouch down and your party's leader will say: "We can't do anything for her here. Let's take her back to Thamasa using the airship." apparently Woolsey let Shadow die on the Floating Continent and found Relm here, prompting him to use 'her' in the translation. Forum newbies have grabbed the opportunity at many occasions to point out that Shadow is actually female, which simply isn't true; this was never his line. In the later games, this was 'fixed'; the line is now turned towards a male subject, making Relm a boy. Oh Square remake team, is there anything you can't mess up?

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.