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Final Fantasy VII Items

Introduction by  Tiddles
Site Developer

Regular items aren't usually very exciting, and Final Fantasy VII's selection is no real exception, though it is one of those games which features offensive items in addition to the usual restorative collection. Sadly, most of these just have the same effect as spells, and tend to build up in our inventories, never getting used (except maybe during Yuffie's sidequest). You'll also find items for chocobo breeding, top-level limit breaks and other miscellaneous purposes — including some that have no use whatsoever.

The existence of offensive items isn't the only item-related similarity with Final Fantasy IV, either: it also features a cheap way of duplicating your items, provided you have the OW-Item materia in your posession. Check the secrets guide for details.

To ★Steal or ★Morph, you'll need to use the command obtainable from the OSteal or OMorph materia respectively. Alternatively, you could steal by pairing OSteal As Well with another materia, and using one of the paired materia's abilities.

Item Types

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Learn Limit Skill "Omnislash"
Won from the Battle Square for 51200 or 64000 BP, depending on how far through the game you are.
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Learn Limit Skill "Catastrophe"
Available after the train ride event in Corel, in disc two. A little girl in one of the tents will give it to you if you talk to her.
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Final Heaven
Learn Limit Skill "Final Heaven"
After the Lifestream events, go back to Nibelheim with Tifa, and head for her room. Go to the piano, and play this tune: Cancel, Switch, Menu, PageUp+Menu, PageUp+Switch, Cancel, Switch, Menu, Pageup+Cancel, OK, Cancel, Switch, Cancel. (see button information for how this generally translates to PlayStation buttons.).
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Great Gospel
Learn Limit Skill "Great Gospel"
You must bring some Mythril to the blacksmith near the Gold Saucer. It can be easy in disc 2, but if you want it to be useful, you must get some in disc 1. For that, you’ll need to bring the buggy back in the first continent, which is achieved by driving it to Costa Del Sol and taking the boat back to Junon. Then, drive your way back to Fort Condor, and cross the river northeast of it to reach a small cave. In there, a man is sleeping, and mumbles when you speak to him. He’s actually telling you the number of battles you fought, and how many you ran from. When the number of battles ends with the same last two digits (like 66, or 233), he’ll wake up and give you some Mythril. When you bring the Mythril back to the blacksmith, he’ll allow you to open one chest. Go up the the second floor of his house, and open the little box in the wall corner.
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Cosmo Memory
Learn Limit Skill "Cosmo Memory"
When you visit Nibelheim’s Shinra Mansion, you have the opportunity to open a safe on the second floor of the mansion, containing the limit. See the secret characters guide for how to find the safe combination. Once you're there...
Win From: Lost Number
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All Creation
Learn Limit Skill "All Creation"
Complete the Pagoda Challenge
Win From: Godo
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Learn Limit Skill "Chaos"
You must visit Lucrecia’s cave. In order to do that, you need to either have access to the submarine, or be the owner of a Green Chocobo (a Black or a Gold One will do the trick too). On your second visit to Lucrecia’s cave, towards the end of disc 2 or later, you will find the item.
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Learn Limit Skill "Highwind"
In the Gelnika. The monsters are pretty tough, so be prepared.
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Item Types

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VII
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.