CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger

Final Fantasy VI Characters

Biographies by  laszlow
Statistics and Special Characteristics by  Djibriel

Setzer Gabbiani

Setzer Gabbiani

Vital Statistics

8 February
Magic Power
Magic Defense
Magic Evasion


Setzer is a carefree and freewheeling gambler and airship pilot. His airship, the Blackjack, is the only of its kind in the world. Setzer is infatuated with the opera singer Maria, and at one point plots to kidnap her during a performance. Prior to the events of Final Fantasy VI, Setzer's dear friend went missing after crashing her own airship, the Falcon, during a race against Setzer.

After Daryl's disappearance, Setzer rebuilds the Falcon and keeps it in underground storage in her tomb. Setzer agrees to lend his airship and expertise to Celes and the rest of the party after he loses a coin toss wager to Celes; her hand in marriage versus his assisting on the assault on Vector. On the Day of Judgment, the Blackjack is destroyed and one year later Setzer is found in Kohlingen, reminiscing at a bar. Celes and Edgar convince Setzer to join them to stop Kefka, and Setzer guides the team to reclaim the Falcon.


Setzer has balanced stats, plus a very good selection of armor (he can use almost every light armor, heavy armor, and shield in the game) and a very unique set of weapons. All of Setzer's weapons have no back row penalty, and several of them increase stats, inflict status elements, or deal specialized random damage (he is a gambler after all). Setzer's Slot command has several possible effects that can deal powerful damage or cause instant death, but the attacks are random and a failed attempt usually results in some negligible healing. If Setzer equips the RelicHeiji's Jitte relic, Slot becomes , a powerful attack that uses the party's cash reserves to inflict damage.

Special Skill: Slots

Setzer is a gambler. Therefore, his special skill involves the most prominent of Las Vegas imagery: the Slot machine. You spin it, you win it. Most of the time, anyway. On a normal, losing spin, you get minor recovery. If you're really unfortunate (as in, really, really unfortunate), you roll Snake Eyes and cast Joker's Death on your own party. There are eight possible outcomes to a slot spin.

Three Diamonds Prismatic Flash: Non-elemental damage to all opponents.

Three Chocobos Chocobo Stampede: Non-elemental barrier-piercing damage to all opponents that doesn't hit Floating enemies.

Three Airships Dive Bomb: Non-elemental damage to all opponents. Stronger than Prismatic Flash.

Three Dragons Mega Flare: Non-elemental barrier-piercing damage to all opponents. It's the same attack you get when you summon the Esper EsperBahamut.

Three Bars Summon: A random Esper is summoned, not including EsperOdin and EsperRaiden. There's a small chance (1/25) this will produce EsperCrusader, whose attack hits you as well, often meaning death to everyone everywhere.

Two Sevens, One Bar Joker's Death: Instant death to your entire party. Characters in the air from a Jump attack are spared, and OReraise restoration can prevent a Game Over.

Three Sevens Joker's Death: Instant death to the enemy party. There are some battles where this cannot be rolled by normal chance.

Any other spin results in Mysidian Rabbit, which provides a small amount of restoration to the entire party and also cures Darkness, Poison and Sleep.

If Setzer equips the RelicHeiji's Jitte, he will give up Slots in favor of Gil Toss, which will use up the party's cash reserves to cause damage. Unequipping the relic will revert the ability back to Slots.

Desperation Attack: Red Card




Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.