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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.6: South Figaro and Off


Enemies: Belmodar, Unseelie, Mu

Treasures: 500 Gil, 1000 Gil, 1500 Gil, Antidote, Elixir, Eye Drops, Gold Needle, Green Cherry, RelicHyper Wrist, RelicHermes Sandals, Phoenix Down, Potion x3, Teleport Stone

You've reached South Figaro! Great. This is the first town you arrive in where you don't try to slaughter innocent inhabitants, so you should be able to shop, sleep at Inns, steal stuff from houses, and talk to NPCs: The usual RPG to-do list. How awesomely groundbreaking.

Item Shop: You might want to buy one or two Gold Needles, as it *is* possible to accidentally get a Petrified character in a bit, and you'll want something to counter its effects.

Weapon Shop: Buy a SwordGreat Sword and give it to Terra. Give the SwordMythril Sword to Locke. You'll be switching to a better weapon in no time, but for the time being, it's a free upgrade from the DirkMythril Knife. You can buy the two Tools that aren't ToolsAuto Crossbows for Edgar (if your ignorant brother saved after the Figaro Castle experience without buying them there).

Armor Shop: Buy two ShieldHeavy Shields, three HelmetPlumed Hats, a ArmorCotton Robe, and a ArmorKenpo Gi. Equip them with Optimize.

Relic Shop: Buy three RelicStar Pendants and a RelicJeweled Ring. I'll leave the verdict on whether to purchase RelicKnight's Code or RelicSprint Shoes up to you. RelicSilver Spectacles have an actual purpose in this GBA release of the game (as opposed to earlier versions where the Darkness status did close to nothing). They are, however, still crummy as Darkness isn't a dangerous status ailment. Equip a RelicStar Pendant on every character. The RelicJeweled Ring protects against Petrify. Because you won't be able to get yourself Petrified unless you level Terra up to level 68 (she learns the OBreak spell at that point) or take tremendously stupid actions when facing Cirpius, you can just let the Relic rest in your Inventory. You'll need it later on.

Hidden Items: Like in the first cavern you explored with a lone Terra, there are items hidden here that are best left untouched for a while. Here's a list of the items in South Figaro currently, as well as the items they will become if left to age appropriately:

(items now) (items they become)
Phoenix Down - Phoenix Down
Potion - X-Potion
Antidote - Tent
Eye Drops - Remedy
Potion - Holy Water
Green Cherry - Tent
Gold Needle - Elixir
Teleport Stone - Phoenix Down

There's a Potion in the barrel between the Weapon and Armor Shop. I suggest skipping this one in order to come back for the X-Potion later; you've got plenty of Potions, but X-Potions will always be nice to have. There are Eye Drops in a box north of the entrance to the port, and an Antidote in the barrel just above it. They become a Tent and Remedy respectively, so it doesn't really matter what you do. The barrel next to the Chocobo Stable contains a Potion that becomes a Holy Water (leave it), the Green Cherry behind the Chocobo Stable becomes a Tent (grab the Green Cherry) and the Gold Needle in the box to the far southwest corner of the town becomes an Elixir (definitely leave this until after it changes).

Enter the large house in the northwest corner of South Figaro. You'll enter through the left door; exit through the right door. In one of the barrels you see here, there's a Phoenix Down.

Continue behind this corner of the house and you'll find yourself in a hidden room! Search the clock for an Elixir. Now, go back in the house and go up the stairs.

In one of the rooms, there will be a man writing a letter (who is he writing to? I'm sure it's not important. Couldn't be the enemy, anyway). Behind the bookcase, you'll find a secret entrance to a staircase, which leads to another staircase. Follow it in the next screen. Go all the way to the right until you're facing a wall; from here, go all the way down to the bottom. You should be out of sight now. Next, go right to enter a secret area with a RelicHyper Wrist and a pair of RelicHermes Sandals. The RelicHyper Wrist boosts Strength, increasing your physical attack power; the RelicHermes Sandals give you inherent and unremovable Haste status.

I suggest giving the RelicHermes Sandals to Locke and the RelicHyper Wrist to Edgar. If you had RelicSprint Shoes equipped on either, you can just pass them down to Terra. Exit. Going up will take you to a room with three doors. The first is empty, the second one contains a Save Point, and the third one contains four chests, respectively containing 500 Gil, 1000 Gil, 1500 Gil, and nothing. I, for one, believe the last one is symbolic for the meaning of life. Exit.

On the town wall, there's a group of three barrels you can see when standing near the Chocobo Stable. Find your way there (stairs are near the Armor Shop) and grab a Teleport Stone. It'll become a Phoenix Down later, but Teleport Stones are infinitely cooler at this stage of the game than Phoenix Downs will ever be. Finally, there's a Potion in the house of the old servant of the richest man in town. I figured I'd save the best for last.

Other stuff to do: In the Pub, there will be a dark man with a dog near the counter. Talking to him will allow you to name him. Shadow sure is mysterious. If you thought he was going to join your party now, think again. This guy is a ninja; they don't even consider bothering you in RPGs unless you're at least past the first serious town.

In the Japanese game, an old man in the Pub will also say that 'you' (Edgar) look like one of Duncan's students, which is the first hint there that Sabin went off to train under Master Duncan.

You've had your fun in South Figaro, bought some new armor, equipped some Relics, and met a mysterious stranger with the name of Shadow. I'd say it was worth it.

But, time to move on. Go straight north, as there's something of interest there. The enemies on the way are fairly standard stuff by now. Unseelies take more damage from ToolsBioblaster than from ToolsAuto Crossbow, so use that on double Unseelies. They'll just attack physically and won't start using !Mythril Wrench until they're alone, and they shouldn't have the chance. The Anthology Bestiary claims they're Imperial maintenance troops. It's official media, but one wonders why Imperial maintenance troops would wander off into the lands to smack people with wrenches as opposed to, say, carry out maintenance to Imperial stuff.

Mus are obscenely boring creatures as they do nothing but Attack under any circumstance. The only interesting thing to note about them is the fact that they cannot be struck by Meteor Strike. A character you'll meet in the future can lift trains, hold up houses and whatnot, but he cannot lift this squirrel up in the air. It makes sense when you think about it while drunk.

Belmodars are the first genuinely dangerous-looking creatures you meet. They attack with Attack and !Rush, and counter Magic spells with a 1/3 shot at using Megavolt, so don't do that. You'll want to try to Steal a ClawMythril Claws from him; trust me on this one, even though it's a weapon none of your characters can equip... yet.

Make use of Edgar's ToolsAuto Crossbow in almost every encounter (excluding double Unseelie, which can be taken down easier with ToolsBioblaster), have Locke Steal and Terra use Defend. Cure outside of battle when needed. When your level is decently high (9), Edgar should be taking out Unseelie in one hit with the ToolsAuto Crossbow as well.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.