CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger

Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.7: Into the Mountain

Great Slopes

Enemies: Spritzer, Zaghrem, Trillium, Gorgias, Cirpius, Vargas, Ipooh

Treasures: Potion, DirkMain Gauche, RelicGigas Glove, Tent x2

The three of you come across an odd hut in the middle of nowhere. Obviously, the most appropriate response is to explore it and take a nap if nobody is around. Let's just hope the beds and spoons are decently sized, or some bear might come for you. It's a Goldilocks/Square cross-reference! The flowers, stove, and dishes all draw a comment from Edgar. What is he talking about? We can rest assured it's a woman, however, since no man would profile himself through tea and domestic ornament like this. Duh. There's a Potion in the bucket. Egads! He was talking about his long-lost twin brother, Sabin. Outside, Edgar will show his double-headed coin to an old man and ask if he's seen 'this guy' (Sabin) before. Sabin has headed into Mt. Kolts; his mentor has been killed, and the mentor's son, Vargas, is missing too. Nice.

Mountains are always nasty to cross, and Mount Koltz is no exception. You will be attacked, spied upon, and tested severely. Also, expect a boss fight at the end, I might add. If that sounds fun, you're doing well. Stick everyone in the back row if they're not already there. This is the repetition style of learning.

This is highly frustrating for console players, but Zaghrem enemies carry HelmetBandanas, which are incredibly hard to obtain right now. They're rare steals, and the common steal is empty. This means that your Steal attempt automatically has a 7 in 8 chance of failing. It's a slightly stronger helmet for Locke, Terra, and a character you're about to obtain, so if you're really adamant about having the maximum equipment right now, try to get a few of them. The ToolsAuto Crossbow is a convenient way to kill Zaghrem. If it doesn't kill them outright, you can finish them off with Back Row physicals or a multi-target OFire spell (although – note - you should really be saving your MP in this 'dungeon').

Cirpius are potentially the most dangerous, but they conveniently never live up to that promise. If you allow them to take three turns, they have a rare chance of using !Beak, which sets Petrify on a character. A triple Cirpius formation, however, can be killed in one go with the ToolsAuto Crossbow. When they show up with a Gorgias enemy, you'll want to confuse them until one of them has petrified the Gorgias with either !Beak or the OBreak spell.

Gorgias is the only real threat here if you're diligent about handling Cirpius. They have stronger physicals, comparable to Guard Leader's pounding, and they have a 1/3 chance at countering every Attack command. Ergo, don't use it. A multi-target OFire spell and an ToolsAuto Crossbow round will finish them.

Trillium, lastly, are annoying because they Poison you with !Poison Touch. They only use it the first round though, after which they'll take two turns just attacking you physically. This means you can easily use an Antidote or the OPoisona spell first and kill them second.

The first slopes feature no enemies, so you can safely walk into the cave. The cave is straightforward. The other side takes you to another slope, with monsters this time. You see a chest there, but you can't reach it. This cave has two 'hidden' passages leading to treasure. The first is to the south of the entrance. Around the square-ish bulge, you can reach an exit leading to the chest you saw earlier. It's a DirkMain Gauche! It's the first weapon you've run into which provides a stat boost, and it's a better weapon for Locke. Grab it and return.

To the right of the path/stairway, there's a hidden passage into another room, which holds a chest containing the RelicGigas Glove. The RelicGigas Glove is much better than the RelicHyper Wrist; while the RelicHyper Wrist boosts a stat used for physical damage calculation by 50%, the RelicGigas Glove simply boosts your physical damage by 25%, period. Equip it on Edgar to boost his ToolsAuto Crossbow. With the RelicGigas Glove equipped, Edgar should be taking everything out in one hit except for Gorgias, which can be finished with a single-target OFire. Locke should Steal. Continue up the wooden pathway. Outside, you will walk around two slopes and reach two entrances into the mountain. Now, for the first time, you'll see a shadowy figure leaping away from you. Who could it be? Beyond this, the first of these two entrances takes you to a chest with a Tent, while the second one continues your way through Mt. Kolts.

Misty slopes with a bridge this time. The bridge looks like it might collapse, but it doesn't. Ever. The next room contains a Save Point, and when you leave it, you'll be on what I've dubbed as the Great Slopes at the Monster formations section. Follow them all the way down, and you'll eventually meet the shadowy figure that has been stalking your every move. It's Vargas. He believes you have something to do with Sabin, so he commences his violence. You get to hurt him now. Obviously, you've made sure that your HP is high enough for boss battles, as well as Terra's MP. Take the RelicGigas Glove from Edgar and give it to Locke; give his RelicHermes Sandals to Terra. Equip Edgar with the RelicHyper Wrist or, if you have it, the RelicKnight's Code. The first one will give you a slight increase in offensive power, and the latter will make sure that Edgar takes physical damage in place of characters in Critical. It's a matter of personal preference as neither is going to produce miracles here.

Bestiary #281
Magic Atk.
Mag. Def.
Mag. Evade
Stolen Items
Dropped Items
Common: Hi-Potion
Status Immunities
Elemental Immunities
Elemental Absorb
Elemental Weakness
Command Immunities

Bestiary #280
Magic Atk.
Mag. Def.
Mag. Evade
Stolen Items
Dropped Items
Common: ClawMythril Claws
Rare: Potion
Status Immunities
Elemental Immunities
Elemental Absorb
Elemental Weakness
Command Immunities
Control, Scan
Two Ipooh bears initially protect Vargas; you can't harm him until you have killed them. Ipooh attack physically only, with Attack and !Claw. Vargas will casually switch between Attack and Gale Cut in an Attack-Gale Cut-Attack rhythm. Dance to it. After every 50 seconds, he will taunt you cruelly by saying: "Come on! What's the matter?" and use Attack twice, as if to insult you. What a jerk.

Once he hits 10880 HP - that's after 720 damage - he will start getting bored with you and exclaim: "Enough of this! I'll send you all to the great beyond!" Just then, a new character will appear. It's Sabin Rene Figaro, long lost heir to the throne of Figaro and twin brother to Edgar.

It seems that Vargas misunderstood the outcome of a successor issue concerning Duncan, their master in the martial arts and Vargas' father. Vargas turned to patricide, and here Sabin is complimenting Vargas on his fine spirit. Morals these days, let me tell ya... Anyway, Vargas executes "Blizzard Fist!" Blasting all inferior warriors of the field, the battle is up to Sabin alone.

When Sabin has appeared and Vargas hits 10368 HP - that's 512 more damage - Sabin will lament over his master's teachings. You'll have to use a Blitz to win this battle. Once the primary Blitz technique has been used, Vargas will... die or run, it's kind of vague. At any rate, Vargas is never to be heard from again.

Your strategy? When you engage Vargas, try to pick some Ipooh pockets (metaphorically) with Locke, have Edgar use ToolsAuto Crossbow, and Terra use single-target OFire spells on the Ipooh you looted. After you've taken care of the Ipoohs, switch to the ToolsBioblaster with Edgar and have Terra on stand-by for a multi-target OCure spell for every Gale Cut that is sent your way. After a successful Steal attempt with Locke, have him attack. The ToolsBioblaster will facilitate the bulk of your damage anyway, so spending a turn moving to the Front Row and then taking more damage there probably isn't justified.

Eventually, Sabin will crash the party. Pay attention, as you are about to do the most complicated thing invented in video game history. That's right, you're about to execute a Blitz technique. Follow on-screen commands closely. Write them down. Remember. After you've completed a Raging Fist technique, you've won your battle. Expand Full Strategy

So there you have it! It's a sad and symbolic story, the rivalry of Sabin and Vargas. As a son to Duncan, he was forced to pursue a career in martial arts, even though Vargas resented it. When Master Duncan, after training (among others? It's not clear) Sabin and Vargas for 10 years, decides he's too old to uphold the title of Master any longer, he decides that Vargas should be his successor.

However, somehow Vargas understood that Sabin would be his father's follow up. The cause of this misunderstanding is never explained, and much like how Judas betrayed Jesus to his death, so did Vargas betray his father and took care of him. After that he went searching for Sabin, who knew that it was Vargas who was supposed to be the next Master. Believing that Edgar had something to do with Sabin, he attacked them, which led to the stand-off between Sabin and Vargas, from which Sabin has now emerged victorious.

Little can be said about your Mt. Kolts experience with Sabin. You can meet Spritzers here, which seem horribly misplaced in space. Aura Cannon is the strongest single-target attack you have at this point; take advantage of it, but only after you annihilated everything non-Gorgias on screen. If you have a HelmetBandana and/or ClawMythril Claws in your inventory, give them to Sabin.

Oh yeah, there's a Tent in the chest, you can't miss it.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.