Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough
Written by Djibriel
1.8: The Returner's Hideout
Enemies: Belmodar, Unseelie, Mu
Treasures: Antidote, Air Knife, Ether, Green Cherry, Hi-Potion,
Knight's Code, Phoenix Down x2,
White Cape

You can, if you want to, hike back to South Figaro with Sabin in your party, which will get you a small cutscene with Duncan's wife. It's not very impressive and it's needlessly time-consuming, but if you're like me, you'll wind up doing it anyway, and a scene will occur in which Sabin has to break the news to Duncan's wife.
Do this scene or no, you'll head to the Hideout eventually. Once you enter the Hideout, you'll have to follow a Returner and enter the door he points you to. Enter and watch the cutscene. There's a Greek mythology reference here (a rather obvious one) and a symbolic position for Terra. How neat. When the scene's over, you're by yourself again. You can find a Phoenix Down in the chest in the room you woke up in. Go out and head up. You'll find three chests here: a

If you examine the top-right part of the large conference table, near Sabin, Terra will crouch down and say: "There's a scrap of paper lying here..." and you'll get two options, to trash it or leave it in place. If you toss it in the trash, nothing will happen. If you leave it there, and Banon calls the Returners around the table for a meeting, he'll freak out about the litter and throw it away himself. This makes Terra laugh (which, incidentally, probably is the only time Terra laughs in a long, long time as far as I can recall). This whole thing is supposed to be a Japanese joke that didn't port so well in the transition. Nobody has ever been able to explain to me why exactly this is supposed to be funny, so let's move on.
There's an Item Shop in the Hideout, and it's the first shop you can actually buy Hi-Potions at, so it might a good idea to stock up on some. A few Eye Drops are also nice if you think those black sunglasses are just so 1983.
You could, before moving on, hike back to Mt. Kolts with Terra alone. However, there will be an Imperial soldier guarding the entrance who'll chase you out on the World Map if you talk to him: "You! You're Returners!"
You need to talk to your three companions before you can talk to Banon. You meet Locke immediately upon crawling out of bed, Sabin is in the conference room and Edgar in the Save Point room where you met Banon earlier. You can now exit the Returner Hideout and talk to Banon. Now, you'll have to make a choice. If you immediately want to go for the offer, you'll get a

If you declined Banon's offer three times, Terra will walk back into the Hideout and mutter: "Hope... How could anyone put their hope in me?" Just then, a wounded Returner stumbles in with Banon. Locke, Edgar and Sabin will come rushing in. After some talk, Locke leaves for South Figaro while Terra, Edgar, Sabin and Banon set out through the back door, the Lethe River. As I promised, a Returner quickly sneaks into the conversation to give you a

If you did anything else, there'll be a meeting. Banon gets angsty about Magitek power, failing to realize that on the two occasions Magitek power has been employed so far, it accomplished nothing. Banon kinda steers towards the 'we need Magic too' topic when a wounded Returner stumbles in. Returners, assemble! Locke goes off to stop Imperial Forces in South Figaro by his lonesome and Terra, Banon, Edgar and Sabin will escape via the Lethe River, raging river of the wilderness. After the sequence has played out, your party will be without Locke (don't worry, his equipment is in your inventory) but with the addition of Banon. The fact that you can't name him should tip you off to his inferior status in your party. Although he's playable in battle, you cannot access his Equipment and Relic screen. His equipment, though, includes just a

Don't immediately go to the raft; go up and remember where you came out. You'll need to find the hidden access to the Lethe River later in the game. For a fun little tidbit, go to the room Terra woke up in and stand under the chest and pride yourself on having seen one of the most elusive minor cutscenes in the game! Now get moving!
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.