CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy Tactics Walkthrough

Written by  Neal
Fanart Editor & Data Manager
Lenalia Plateau
Move-Find Item Treasures
Common: Hi-Potion
Rare: Iron Helmet
Common: Potion
Rare: Buckler
Common: Antidote
Rare: Red Hood
Common: Eye Drop
Rare: Bronze Armor

Meanwhile, back at Igros, the Death Corps is attacking Beoulve manor. One of the members attacking the manor escapes on chocobo with Teta, but the member attempting to take Alma away is caught and killed by Zalbag. Dycedarg limps out and has been injured by the attack. Ramza, Delita, and Algus return and speak with Dycedarg. Delita pleads with Dycedarg to go rescue Teta, who says that he wouldn’t desert her. However, later, when Ramza and Delita talk outside, Algus taunts Delita, saying that he’d never save a “commoner” if he were in Dycedarg’s position. Delita attacks Algus and Ramza holds him back. Delita storms off to go help Teta himself, and Ramza orders Algus never to return to Beoulve manor. Before leaving, Algus tells Ramza that Teta is being held at Fort Zeakden. At Mandalia Plains, Ramza finds Delita and the two reminisce a bit before heading towards Zeakden. In their way, first, is the Lenalia Plateau.

8. Lenalia Plateau

Enemies: Miluda (Knight), Knight x2, Wizard x2, Time Mage x1
Guest Characters: Delita
Geomancy Available: Hell Ivy, Local Quake, Pitfall, Water Ball

Another battle with Miluda isn’t as difficult as it may seem, though the objective forces you to defeat everyone and not just Miluda. Focus on the Wizards to begin with, because they can deal heavy damage. If your AT is alright compared to Miluda’s, it would be wise to bring along a Wizard or at least someone with Black Magic to hit Miluda before she can get next to someone. A Monk with Chakra is really handy in this battle in case multiple people get hurt because Chakra targets everyone surrounding the Monk and heals both HP and MP. After the Wizards are taken out, focus on the Time Mage, then finish Miluda, and finally the remaining Knights. A Priest or someone with White Magic will help out a lot with a quick cast of Protect on multiple party members at the beginning.

Prologue and Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Sidequests
Chapter Battles
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.