Chrono Trigger Walkthrough
Written by Neal & footbigmike
Fanart Editor & Data Manager / Former Staff Writer
A labor of love and many, many years, the CoN Chrono Trigger walkthrough is a thing of beauty on par with perhaps Michaelangelo's David or DaVinci's Mona Lisa. Well, okay, we just wrote that to see if you were paying attention. But it is a pretty great walkthrough, check it out for any version of the game. Of course, if you're looking for some in-depth, detailed walkthrough information for Chrono Trigger, you can also investigate our many other mini-guides and more detailed standalone walkthroughs in our CT navigation.
1. The Millennial Fair
Enemies: | Gato |
Treasures: | See Below |
You have just begun your adventure into the world of Chrono Trigger.
The game begins with a note about the "Active Time Battle ver. 2," which sounds complicated but really isn't. There are two choices - Active and Wait. A beginner to RPGs or Chrono Trigger in general would do well to select the "Wait" mode, which means that time gauges will not increase while you are selecting your items or your techniques. On the other hand, selecting "Active" mode will allow enemies to attack you, giving them a slight advantage because the A.I. does not have to scroll through a menu as a player does when choosing a technique or item. Decide which is best for you, then move on. You'll then be asked to name the main character of the game. In this walkthrough, he, as well as the rest of the characters, will be referred to by their default names.
The game begins with the sounds most likely to be accompanied with a port town...birds calling, the ocean waves breaking...but another sound is heard: fireworks. The Millennial Fair is beginning! Leene's Bell chimes and Crono is awoken by his mother opening the curtains. She tells him to behave himself at the fair. Crono wearily climbs out of bed, and the game is now in your hands.
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the menu, which is divided into six sections. The first section is for checking character stats and changing equipment. The second section holds your items, empty for now. Selecting sort will organize them automatically, but you can also do that manually. The third section is for techniques, which will be described later. The fourth section is to customize things such as the window colors and how fast you want battles to move. The fifth section allows you to rearrange the order of your party members, and the sixth section is for saving the game, available only on the world map and at save points.Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the menu, which is divided into seven sections. The first section is for checking character stats and changing equipment. The second section holds your items, empty for now. Selecting sort will organize them automatically, but you can also do that manually. The third section is for techniques, which will be described later. The fourth section is the bestiary, which will give you data on an enemy or boss after encountering them for the first time. The fifth section is to customize things such as the window colors and how fast you want battles to move. The sixth section allows you to rearrange the order of your party members, and the seventh section is for saving the game, available only on the world map and at save points.
Walking downstairs will result in another encounter with your mom, who can't seem to remember your friend's name. You're now given the opportunity to name Lucca, and after that, your mom will allow you to go explore the festival. You can get 200G by talking to her once again. Exit the house and enter the town of Truce. Your next destination is the fair, but before heading there, it's worth your time to explore the town to get a few items and some money.
The Mayor's Manor is a house to the south dedicated to helping beginners to Chrono Trigger learn the basics to battling and the world. Grab the Tonic, which heals 50 HP, from the treasure chest downstairs. You can learn about weapons, armor, items, save points, and messages by speaking to the townspeople. Upstairs, open the chest to get 100G, and speak to the man next to the chest twice to get 300G more. Talk to the citizens to learn about battling, techniques, status effects, and character statistics. The Truce Inn is also an interesting place to note, as there is a Sealed Box in the room upstairs. As any good adventurer should know, something that can't be opened now can usually be opened later.
There are no random encounters on the world map, so feel free to explore beyond the city limits. To the far south is the city of Porre. The market there is decked out with decent equipment. Buying a

To the north is Guardia Forest, where you can test out your combat skills. None of the enemies here will pose any sort of a threat to you, and you can find a Power Tab in the southeast portion of the area. There's also another Sealed Box off to the northeast side of the forest. You can exit toward Guardia Castle, but if you enter, you'll be rushed out by a couple guards.
There's nowhere else to explore at this point, so return to Truce and head for Leene's time for some fun at the Millennial Fair!
What's a fair without activities? The Millennial Fair functions around "Silver Points", intangible points that build up as you play different games at the fair. You can trade these points for G or spend them at another activity, that of Norstein Bekkler, a floating head.
There are a variety of activities at the fair, but none of them are necessarily required to proceed. With that being the case, we've set up a separate section of the site for you to learn more as desired.
If you go to the second section of the fair, a blonde girl will be running around frantically. Get in her way and you'll both go flying. She'll get to her feet first, then complain because she can't find her Pendant. Talk to the girl first, then go pick up her pendant and bring it to her. Give it back to her, and she will join you as you explore the fair. Her name is Marle, and she has the potential to get you into a lot of trouble later, so you should mind your manners. If you want more specifics regarding how best to behave, review our mini-guide.
As you travel around the fair, you can talk to various people throughout the festival (the young lady sitting by the fountain is a good choice) to unlock the northern-most area of the festival, where Lucca has set up her Telepod.
Lucca is concerned because nobody is trying out the Telepod. When she asks you to volunteer, you're ready and willing. Marle sits back and watches as the teleportation is successful. The audience is stunned! Talk to Marle, who wants to try it out as well. They offer her the chance to back down, but she refuses. Upon standing on the telepod, her Pendant begins to glow and she is sent through a strange blue portal. Where did she go? Pick up her Pendant and go after her!
Chapters | |||
Caves of Narshe: Chrono Trigger
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.