CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Chrono Trigger Walkthrough

Written by  Neal & footbigmike
Fanart Editor & Data Manager / Former Staff Writer

6. The Factory Ruins

Enemies: Acid, Debugger, Alkaline, Bug, Proto 3,
Treasures: Shelter x2, ArmHammer Arm, ArmorTitan Vest, GunPlasma Gun, Mid Ether x2, BowRobin Bow, Ether x2, 400G

Go up to the computer and Robo will activate it. Afterwards, go up the conveyor belts and fight the Debuggers. There's a message on the wall that says the Lab Area is to the left, and the Factory Area is to the right. You'll need to go to the Factory Area first.

When you first enter, you might be surprised by how vast the area is, but it's fairly simple. Grab the hidden in the door directly west of where you came from, then go down the middle ladder on the lower platform to reach a BowRobin Bow, which is a good weapon for Marle. After that, you'll need to go back and go down the far right ladder, and onto the conveyor belt via the door.

Note - touching the robots on the conveyor belt will cause a large and annoying crane to grab you and take you to a series of battles. Instead, wait until two robots go by that are close to each other and make it to the next ladder, which is kind of like a safe stop. Do this until you get to the bottom left, then exit through the bottom of the screen.

Fight the bugs, exit up the ladder, cross the catwalk and get the Tonic, then go into the right door. Grab the treasures and then check the computer, which will give you codes for the crane (the first code is XA, the second is BB). Exit and go to the left door and fight the enemies. Grab the treasures and exit out onto the little balcony. There, you can enter the two codes to have the cranes move barrels out of the way. Follow the path where the barrels used to be and you'll get to a door with another computer screen inside. Get the BladeBolt Sword from the chest and equip it, then check the computer to learn the password (XABY) for the lab area. This is the only piece of information you need from the Factory Area. Head all the way back to the elevator and then go down to the Lab Area.

Take out the Acids and Alkalines and the computer screen will activate. Checking it will open the hatch to allow you to go down further. Here, you'll fight a few Alkalines before you get to an area with a few lasers. Grab the ArmHammer Arm and the ArmorTitan Vest and give them to Robo and Crono, respectively, then check the computer screen in the back. This will disable a lot of the lasers in the factory and also trigger an attack by some enemies. After beating them, head to the bottom right and step on the elevator, which can go either up or down. Going up will allow you to save, and going down will take you to the next area.

Head to the next computer screen. Grab the GunPlasma Gun from the chest, which is useful for Lucca if you brought her along. Enter the factory password (XABY) after the tone and the door will open. Head up and hit the switch, and you've activated the factory power! Well done. Unfortunately, the security system goes berserk and you have to escape quickly. Make your way out, but on the way you'll encounter Robo's friends, who call him tainted and start pounding on him. After they've tossed him into the trash chute, they begin to look at you.

R Series
R Series
Magic Power
Lightning Def.
Shadow Def.
Water Def.
Fire Def.
Tech Points
Future / Factory
Enemy Techs
Enemy Counters
Robo Punch
Robo Wired Punch
Robo Laser [Shadow]
Robo Pitch
Robo Explosion
When all six robots are alive, you will take a beating. Make Marle your designated healer and have Crono attack with Cyclone. You'll hit three at once if you target right, and two Cyclones will take care of each robot. So, after four Cyclones, you've won the battle.

Crono and your other character will pull Robo back to the Proto Dome so that Lucca can fix him. Robo decides to come with you, and the four of you head up to the Gate, now that the door is open due to the reactivated power at the Factory. You'll all disappear into the portal, which makes an additional spark.

The four of you will end up in a very odd, misty corridor with a whining noise. Walk down the path and talk to the old man asleep at the light post, who will explain that you have ended up in The End of Time, simply because all four of you stepped through the time gate. The gates only allow travel with three people, prompting Lucca to explain that one of you has to stay at the End of Time. Choose whoever you don't want to accompany you, and know that you can change party members anytime by simply pressing the Y button now.

The End of Time will now serve as a sort of base of operations. You can refill your health by checking the glimmering light in the bottom left, and you can also save your game.

Caves of Narshe: Chrono Trigger
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.